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UN 气候公约共同方案框架
gen. 穹窿; 顶层; ; ; ; 上型 箱
archit. 顶盖; 墙压顶
| elevation
UN geol. 高地,上升地域
| along
gen. 靠着…边
| wharf
hydroel.st. 码头

noun | verb | to phrases
cope [kəup] n
gen. 穹窿; 顶层〔盖〕; ; ; ; 上型〔上模〕箱; 齿根盖
archit. 顶盖; 墙压顶
el. 顶层; 对付[应]
landsc. 顶层[盖]
met. 【铸】 上型
plast. 铸模顶部
sel.breed. 笼罩
textile 教士斗篷式长袍; 披风; 护肩; 斗篷; 主教披风; 剑桥大学博士所穿的斗篷
COPE [kəup] n
UN 气候公约共同方案框架
cope [kəup] v
gen. 妥善处理; 对付; 顶层墙帽; 安设; 突出 (over); 对〔应〕付; 克服; 争斗; 对抗 (with); 吊砂; 修型; 不平分型面的割挖 (out); 交换; 易货; 使楔合; 给…开槽口
archit. 覆盖; 解决; 对抗
compr. 上砂箱
econ. 竞争
el. 适应
met. 上型; 上箱
tech. 码头面前沿; 压顶【建】; 遮盖物; 盖顶; 顶盖; 墙帽; 上型箱; 上部模型
telecom. 小室; 通话室
textile 斗篷式长袍; 蔻普斗篷 (教士)
Cope [kəup] v
pharm. 诺咳平 (那可丁 (noscapine) 片剂商品名;镇咳药)
 English thesaurus
COPE [kəup] abbr.
abbr. Canadian Office & Professional Employees; Center for Occupational & Personalized Education; Challenging Outdoor Physical Encounter; Consistent Organize Prepare And Enthusiastic; Creating Optimal Personal Experiences; Committee on Publication Ethics (AlinaSych)
abbr., avia. controlled operating pressure engine
abbr., comp., net., IT Client Oriented Provider Efficient
abbr., ed. Challenging Outdoor Personal Encounter; Challenging Outdoor Personal Encounters; Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience; Choices Opportunities Power And Energy; Community Outreach Prevention And Education
abbr., law Community Oriented Police Enforcement; Community Outreach Prison Experience; Congregation Offender Partnership Enterprise; Coordination Of Probation Enforcement; Criminal Offense And Penalty Enforcement
abbr., med. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Emphysema; Committee On Publication Ethics; carbon monoxide pollution equipment
abbr., media. Cadena de Ondas Populares Española
abbr., mil., avia. carbon monoxide pollution experiment; carbon oxide pollution experiment
abbr., nautic., scient. Coastal Ocean Probing Experiment
abbr., optometr. Council on Optometric Practitioner Education
abbr., physiol., med. Chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema
abbr., polym. co-polyester (igisheva); co-polyether (igisheva); copolyether (igisheva)
mil. Committee on Political Education; continuous officer professional education; cost progress evaluation; covert observation and photography equipment; custodian of postal effects
Nasdaq Cope, Inc.
tech. communications-oriented processing equipment
COPES abbr.
abbr., med. Cancer Organisations, Public Education And Patient Support
abbr., mil., WMD Cost Planning and Evaluation System
CoPE [kəup] n
gen. Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (Anglophile)
COPE [kəup] abbr.
abbr. communications-oriented peripheral equipment
abbr., earth.sc. choice of probability/effect; cognitive policy evaluation; Congress on Optimum Population and Environment; Council on Pollution and Environment; Council on Population and Environment
abbr., el. communications oriented peripheral equipment; communications oriented processing equipment
abbr., oil carbon monoxide pollution experiment; crude oil production expansion
abbr., space communition-oriented peripheral equipment
COPES abbr.
abbr., el. customer optimized product engineering system
cope elevation along wharf
: 94 phrases in 20 subjects
Bridge construction1
Desert science1
Textile industry7