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common logarithm
gen. 常用〔普通,十进〕对数
el. 以10为底的对数 (lgX≈0.434291nX); 以 10 为底的对数
met. 常用对数
tech. 普通对数; 十进对数
 English thesaurus
common logarithm
abbr. lg
abbr., IT log
med. A mathematical term used to describe changes in viral load HIV RNA. For example, if the viral load is 20,000 copies/mL, then a 1-log increase equals a 10-fold 10 times increase, or 200,000 copies/mL. A 2-log increase equals a 100-fold increase, or 2,000,000 copies/mL. see also viral load, viral load test
common logarithm: 1 phrase in 1 subject
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