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coed ['kǝʊ'ed] adj.
gen. 大学男女同校的女生; 男女同学的
sport. 男女同校的
 English thesaurus
COED ['kǝʊ'ed] abbr.
abbr., el. code editor
abbr., mil., avia. computer operated electronic display
COED ['kǝʊ'ed] abbr.
abbr. char oil energy development process
abbr., commer. concentration on engineering design
abbr., earth.sc. char-oil-energy-development; computer-operated electronics display
abbr., ed., scient. City Of Exacerbated Difference
abbr., el., scient. Computer Optimized Experimental Design
mil. composition and editing display; computer-operated electronic display
COEDS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. char oil energy development system
coed: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
Textile industry4