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coastal environments
ecol. 沿海环境
coastal environment
desert. 海岸环境
ecol. 沿岸环境
wind. 沿海环境
coastal environment The areas where the land masses meet the seas. Coastal environments include tidal wetlands, estuaries, bays, shallow near-shore waters, mangrove swamps, and in-shore reef systems. The critical habitats of these zones are: feeding, breeding, nursery, and resting areas. Coastal areas throughout the world are under enormous environmental stress, which is caused by a wide range of factors, including pollution and the destruction and deterioration of marine habitats
environ. 沿海环境 (陆地与海洋的交界区域。沿海环境包括受潮汐影响的湿地、海口、海湾、近岸浅水区、红树林沼泽和近岸的珊瑚礁系。这些地区的重要生境是:养育、繁殖、培育和休息区域。世界各地的沿海地区都面临着巨大的环境压力,由很多因素引起,包括污染和海洋栖息地的破坏和恶化。)
coastal environments
: 24 phrases in 5 subjects
Earth sciences1
Name of organization2
United Nations18