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avia. 咔嗒声
dril. 棘轮机构
golf. 悦耳声音
multimed. 单击
sport. 点击
telecom. ; ; 点按; 喀音; 喀呖音
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| interest
environ. 利润
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
click [klɪk] n
gen. 喀哒,喀嚓,上扣,扳机; 电信中因大气层雷电干扰造成的喀呖声; 噪声〔音〕; 占线试验音; 唱片模板爆点; 定位销; 活销; 棘爪; 弹簧锁; 锁闩; 锁链; 挡器
agric. 按动; 击键; 喀嗒声
archit. 棘轮; 噪声; 插销
auto. 咔哒声; 【动】单击; 咔哒一按; 发咔哒声
avia. 咔嗒声
dril. 棘轮机构
econ. 咔哒一声
el. 来自大气层的轻微干扰声; "咔嗒"声; 短脉冲[一般不超过0.2秒]
golf. 击球的悦耳声音
mil., air.def. "卡嗒"干扰
multimed. 单击
otorhinol. 短声; 嗒声
sport. 点击
tech. ; 单击【计】; 掣子; 掣手; 插锁; 犁子
telecom. ; 键盘; 在鼠标器上点按; 喀音; 喀呖音复式共电人工交换机占线测试音
weld. 喀呖声
clicks n
adv. 点击次数
el. 来自大气层的轻微干扰声; "咔嗒"声; 短脉冲[一般不超过0.2秒]
click [klɪk] v
gen. 作轻敲声; 使"喀哒"响; 发"喀哒" 声; 合得来; 恰好吻合; 配对; 卡人; 上扣
 English thesaurus
click [klɪk] n
mil. klick (4uzhoj)
slang kilometre (it's 10 clicks away")
CLICK [klɪk] abbr.
abbr. Creating Literacy In Computer Knowledge
abbr., mil. Certified Literate Is Coweta's Key
click to interest
: 17 phrases in 5 subjects
Information technology1
Project management9