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ces abbr.
anim.husb. 中枢兴奋状态
 English thesaurus
CE abbr.
abbr. color excess; Central Europe; Central European; Civil Engineer; Community Edition; Continuing Education; Contrast Enhancement; Customer Experience; A.D. (MichaelBurov); Anno Domini (MichaelBurov); C.E. (MichaelBurov); Current Era (MichaelBurov); the year of Our Lord (MichaelBurov); year A.D. (MichaelBurov); year AD (MichaelBurov); year C.E. (MichaelBurov); year CE (MichaelBurov); year of Christian Era (MichaelBurov); year of Common Era (MichaelBurov); year of Current Era (MichaelBurov); year of the Christian Era (MichaelBurov); year of the Common Era (MichaelBurov); year of the Current Era (MichaelBurov); Council of Europe; A Covered Entity; AD (MichaelBurov); Campaign Evaluation; Canadian Engineers; Cartographic Entity; Catholic Encyclopedia; Caveat Emptor; Cgi Edition; Charlotte Field Office; Chief Executive; Chief of Engineers; Christian Endeavor; Church of England; Collateral Enclave; Collection Emphasis; Combustion Engineering, Inc.; Commander's Evaluation; Communication Encryption; Communications and Electronics; Communications Engineer; Compact Edition; Compact Environment; Compact Equipment; Con Ele Dyn; Concept Evaluation; Conformity To European; Connection Endpoint (UNI); continuing education (Углов); Continuous Evaluation; Conventional Examination; Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army; Correctable Error; Coulomb Excitation; Counsellor of Embassy; Crap Extended; Criticism Entries; Cum Egg; Current Exploitation; Customer Engineer
abbr., agric. European health & safety product label (Conformité Européenne gorshok_forever)
abbr., auto. commutator end
abbr., biol. cellulose exchanger
abbr., chem., scient. Cerium
abbr., commer. Current Estimate
abbr., commun. circuit emulation; Control Element /Circuit Emulation
abbr., comp., net. communication electronics; customer engineering
abbr., dent.impl. ITI CE (MichaelBurov); ITI Continuing Education (MichaelBurov)
abbr., econ. Office of the Chief Economist (dimock)
abbr., ed., scient. College Of Engineering
abbr., el. chief engineer
abbr., el., scient. Consumer Electronics
abbr., energ.ind. collector end (Malexey)
abbr., file.ext. Cache Enable; Channel End; Chip Enable; Collision Elimination; Computer Eyes (Digital Vision IFF bitmap); Convert Enable
abbr., foreig.aff. computing element; Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime
abbr., HF.electr. Conformite Europeene
abbr., IT computer engineering (Andrey Truhachev); cost of error
abbr., med. Cardiac Enlargement; Cardioesophageal; Cell Extract; Chorioepithelioma; Capillary Electrophoresis; Clinical Excellence
abbr., media. Collectors Edition
abbr., mil. Chemical Energy; Comprehensive Evaluation; Corps of Engineers; Cost Estimate; communications/electronics; cost effective; cost-effectiveness (критерий)
abbr., mil., WMD combustion efficiency; U.S.- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; US Army Corps of Engineers
abbr., mining. composition; exploding
abbr., O&G coal equivalent
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. commodity engineer; conceptual engineering
abbr., O&G, sakh. Cost Element (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., phys.chem. Collision Energy (в масс-спектроскопии Elmitera)
abbr., polit. Communauté Européenne; Sri Lanka
abbr., polym. carbon equivalent
abbr., qual.cont. cost effectiveness
abbr., scient. Civil Engineering
abbr., scottish Co-operative Engagement; Command Element; Concurrent Engineering; Control Engineer, ship; Corps of Engineers Command (US Army)
abbr., UN Communaute Europeenne
comp. channel encoder
el. Capillary electrophoresis
energ.ind. cation exchange; collecting electrode; collection electrode; combustion engineering; cost-effective; counting efficiency
insur. consumption entry
mil. carrying equipment; chemical energy; chemical engineer; circular error; civil emergency; civil engineering; communications equipment; compass error; composition exploding; construction equipment; control element; control equipment; controller error; counterespionage; crew error; crew evaluator; critical examination; cumulative expenditures
tech. chronometer error; combustion engine; common emitter; common equipment; common-emitter transistor connection; conductivity element; containment environment; exploding composition
Ce abbr.
abbr. equivalent conductivity
abbr., earth.sc. chondrite of enstatite
abbr., oil early Cretaceous
el.chem. cathode efficiency; current efficiency
CESES abbr.
abbr., med. Centre Européen Pour La Surveillance Épidémiologique Du SIDA
ce n
unit.meas. Current Era (Mark_y)
ces abbr.
biol. central excitatory state
CES abbr.
abbr. Carrollton Elementary School; Center for Environmental Study; Chávez Elementary School; Coalition of Essential Schools; Consumers Electronics Show; Czech; C-bit Errored Seconds (DS3/E3, BIT); Center for Environmental Studies; Chavez Elementary School; Committee of European Shipowners; Concept Exploration Studies; Constant Elasticity of Substitution; Coordinate Evaluation System; Council for European Studies; Cleveland Engineering Society; corporate engineering standard
abbr., astronaut. Centre for Space Studies
abbr., auto. clutch engage switch; computerized electronic suspension; continuous control electronic suspension
abbr., avia. cabin electronic system (Alexander Matytsin); Centre for Environmental Studies; comprehensive export schedule; contractor engineering support
abbr., bank. Customer Effort Score (Millie)
abbr., busin. cubic feet per second
abbr., chromat. collision energy spread (Dalilah)
abbr., earth.sc. cement supply; Center for Energy Studies; Center for Exploratory Studies; Civil Engineering Society (China); closed ecological system; Council of the Earth Sciences
abbr., ed. Comprehensive Evaluation System
abbr., ed., scient. Centre for Educational Sociology
abbr., el. cable entry seal (harser); coast-earth station; cement enveloped sand; commercial earth station; compact energy source; computer education system
abbr., environ. Clean Energy Supply
abbr., exhib. The International Consumer Electronics Show (ВВладимир)
abbr., fin. country evaluation system; contract forward spread
abbr., hi-fi consumer Electronic Show
abbr., IT Character Encoding Scheme; Circuit Emulation Service; China Electrotechnical Society; Condition/Event System
abbr., med. Cauda Equina Syndrome; Center For Epidemiologic Studies; cat's-eye syndrome (Игорь_2006); cauda equina syndrome (Игорь_2006); Combat Experiences Scale; Combat Exposure Scale; California Epilepsy Society; Central Excitatory Scale; content evaluation study
abbr., media. Computer Entertainment Systems; Consumer Electronics Show
abbr., mil. Cost Element Structure; Cumulative Enlisted Service; Common Equipment Set; Cooperative Engagement CapabilitySystem
abbr., O&G Commission for Emergency Situations (MichaelBurov); Commission on Emergency Situations (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. Chevron engineering standard (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. cost estimating system; Cost Estimating System (Shell Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil Casing evaluation survey; Columbia Energy Service; Cooper Energy Services; cost effectiveness study; Council of the Earth Science
abbr., pharm. conjugated estrogens
abbr., physiol., med. Cranial Electrical Stimulation
abbr., scottish Combat Effects Simulator; Complete Equipment Schedule (UK)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Communication Encryption System
abbr., space coast earth stations; combined effects subsystem; communication engineering standards; control electronics system; controlled environmental system; crew escape system
abbr., stat. Conference of European Statisticians (Конференция европейских статистиков Азери)
abbr., tech. Coast earth station
abbr., telecom. communication engineering standard; coastal earth station
abbr., tradem. Christian Educational Services; Contractor Equipment Supply
comp. central earth station
ecol., abbr. coast earth station
energ.ind. critical experiment station
mil. central electronics system; civil engineering squadron; combined effects submissile; coordinated evaluation system
tech. central electronic system; control electronic system; control electronics section
: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
International trade4
Name of organization2