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cep [sep] n
gen. 美味牛肝蕈
biol. 美味牛肝菌 (Boletus edulis Bull. ex Fr.)
 English thesaurus
cep [sep] n
agric. boletus edulis var.edulis (Boletus edulis var. edulis)
CEP [sep] abbr.
abbr. Certified Education Planner; Cultural Exchange Party; circular error probable/probability
abbr., agric. central experimental farm; chicken embryo fibroblast
abbr., auto. Clean Energy Partnership
abbr., avia. computerized evaluation program
abbr., chem., scient. Chemical Engineering Progress
abbr., commer. Contract Estimating and Pricing
abbr., el. call set-up error probability; certificate enrollment protocol; command executive procedure; compression-expansion processor; connection establishment protocol; continuous estimation program; counterelectrophoresis
abbr., electr.eng. Central Energy Plant (Millie)
abbr., environ. Community Environmental Project
abbr., IT Communication End Point; Count Enable Parallel; channel end point; Corporate Electronic Publishing
abbr., life.sc. clinical exercise physiologist (iwona)
abbr., manag. contractors execution plan
abbr., med. Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria; Cadmium Exposure Panel (harser); cortical evoked potential (EEG); counterimmunoelectrophoresis
abbr., mil. Circular Error Probable; Circular Error Probability; cable entrance panel; Chairman's Exercise Program; call-out procedure
abbr., mil., air.def. cooperative engagement processor
abbr., mil., avia. Central East Pacific
abbr., mil., WMD catalytic extraction processing
abbr., nautic., scient. Caribbean Environment Program
abbr., O&G, casp. competent electrical person (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. contract execution plan
abbr., O&G, sakh. Current Estimated Potential
abbr., O&G, tengiz. crude export project (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil construction execution plan
abbr., pharm. Certificate of suitability of Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (Chameleon)
abbr., pharma. Certificate of European Pharmacopeia (Игорь_2006)
abbr., phys.chem. Collision Cell Entrance Potential (в масс-спектроскопии Elmitera)
abbr., progr. cycle elimination principle (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Core Enterprise Php
abbr., scottish Circular Error, Probable; Common Engine Program (US Army); Contextual Enhancement Processor
abbr., tech. Condensate Extraction Pump (Метран)
abbr., transp. Courier Express And Parcel
airports, avia. Concepcion, Bolivia
energ.ind. comprehensive energy plan
energ.ind., abbr. clean energy plan; condensate electric pump; corrosion evolutionary path
meteorol., abbr. climatological expectancy of persistence
mil. Construction Electrician (Power)
mil., abbr. capability evaluation plan; civil emergency planning; command executive procedures; common electronic parts; concept evaluation program; current evaluation phase; custodian of enemy property
tech., abbr. common electronics parts
Cep [sep] abbr.
abbr., oil Cephalopoda
lat. Cepheus (Цефей Vosoni)
CEP [sep] abbr.
abbr. compression expansion processor
abbr., chem. 2-cyanoethylphosphate
abbr., desert. creeping environment phenomenon
abbr., earth.sc. calculate estimated positions; Central East Pacific Area; Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean; chemical energy potential; Chile-Ecuador-Peru; Commission on Experimental Petrology at High Pressure and Temperature
abbr., ecol. Caribbean Environment Programme
abbr., el. conduction electron polarization (field)
abbr., IT compression/expansion processor; connection end point
abbr., oil Complete Environmental Products (американская компания, международный производитель абсорбентов, инструментов и оборудования для ликвидации осложнений и аварий различного типа Johnny Bravo); calculate estimated position; Central East Pacific; Chalk Exploration Project; circle of equal probability; circle of error probability; complementary even parity; computer entry punc; continuous easy payment; controls for environmental pollution; Council on Economic Priorities
abbr., space circuit error probable; cylindrical electrostatic probe
mil., UN circular error probable
oil, abbr. circle of equivalent probability
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Air defense1