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cdl abbr.
abbr. candle (Vosoni)
CDL abbr.
abbr. California Digital Library; Career Development Loan; Center Driving Lane; Competent Driving Licence; Computer Diagnostics Leiden; Computer Driving Licence; Controlled Document List (Alex Lilo); Central Dental Laboratories; Common high bandwidth Data Link; Central Dockyard Laboratory; core diode logic; Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (wikipedia.org 'More)
abbr., AI. Content Description Language
abbr., avia. Candle, Alaska USA; configuration deviation list (Interex); configuration declination list; circuit development lab; configuration data loader; configuration declination deviation list
abbr., busin. cardinal
abbr., dril. cut drilling line
abbr., el. call description language; central data library; characteristic diffusion length; choose destination location; coaxial diode limiter; common channel data link; component description language; computer data link; computer description language; computer development laboratory; configuration description language system
abbr., el., scient. Circuit Description Language
abbr., file.ext. Computer Design Language
abbr., IT CAD language file; Compiler Description Language; Conceptual Design Language
abbr., med. Certified Dental Laboratory; Chlordeoxylincomycin (syndrome); Cornelia De Lange (syndrome); chlorodeoxylincomycin; complement-dependent lymphocytotoxicity
abbr., mil. Camp Don Lee; Common Data Link
abbr., O&G compensated density log (MichaelBurov); compensated density logging (MichaelBurov); compensated density porosity log (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, karach. Compensated Densilog (Baker Atlas tool Aiman Sagatova)
abbr., oil compensated density logging; compensated density log; borehole compensated densilog (density log); chart datum level; command definition language; command display logic; completed-double-layer
abbr., scient. Climate Data Logger
abbr., scottish Control Data Ltd (UK)
abbr., space capability demonstration laboratory; Centre de Lancement; comm on data link; common display logic
abbr., st.exch. Chart Definition Language; Citadel Holding Corporation
abbr., telecom. Cray Development and Login (термин из документов CRAY vasuk)
abbr., transp. California Drivers License; Commercial Driver License; Commercial Driver's License
energ.ind. carbon dioxide laser; coal-derived liquid
mil. contract data list; contract deficiency listing
tech. component definition language
CdL abbr.
abbr. Club der Luftfahrt
cdl: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Oil / petroleum5