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caveat emptor ['keɪvɪæt'emptə]
adv. 购者自慎
busin. 由买方自行当心
commer. buyer's risk拉丁语买方风险
econ. 买方负责; 买主自行当心
interntl.trade. 顾客留心; 出门不换; 买方负担风险
interntl.trade., lat. 买主当心
lat., busin. 买方须注意
lat., interntl.trade. 货物出门; 概不退换; 由买主当心
proj.manag. [拉]买方负责
tech. 货物出门概不退换
 English thesaurus
caveat emptor ['keɪvɪæt'emptə]
abbr. buyer beware (A warning that notifies a buyer that the goods he or she is buying are "as is," or subject to all defects. 4uzhoj)
law commercial principle of buyer’s risk, theory that says one buy things at one’s own risk; from the latin for "let the buyer beware"; A theory that says you buy things at your own risk. Comes from the Latin for "let the buyer beware."
Caveat Emptor ['keɪvɪæt'emptə]
lat., abbr. CE
caveat emptor: 1 phrase in 1 subject