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noun | verb | adjective
burlesque [bɜ:'lesk] n
gen. 诙谐讽刺作品; 打油诗; 滑稽戏; 笑剧; 漫画
burlesque [bɜ:'lesk] v
gen. 嘲弄地模仿取笑,讥笑; 使滑稽化
burlesque [bɜ:'lesk] adj.
gen. 诙谐的; 滑稽的; 逗人笑的; 讽刺的; 嘲弄的
 English thesaurus
burlesque [bɜ:'lesk] n
lit. a term applied to writing which sets out to satirise a subject, work or literary style by making a deliberate mismatch between the manner and the matter.