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brushwood ['brʌʃwud] n
gen. 灌木; 粗杂材; 木块; 防冲刷柴排
agric. 小树
anim.husb. 灌丛
bridg.constr. 柴排防冲刷的
forestr. 枝桠材; 灌木林; 灌木
hydroel.st. 梢料; 梢捆
tech. 矮丛林; 灌木犁; 灌木丛; 灌木 (材); 矮林
brushwood Woody vegetation including shrubs and scrub trees of non-commercial height and form, often seen in the initial stages of succession following a disturbance. Brush often grows in very dense thickets that are impenetrable to wild animals and serve to suppress the growth of more desirable crop trees. However, brush can also serve an important function as desirable habitat for a range or bird, animal, and invertebrate species, and often provides a good source of browse and cover for larger wildlife. It adds structural diversity within the forest and is important in riparian zones. It is also termed scrub n
environ. 矮灌木丛 (木本植被,包括非商业用的高度和形式的灌木丛和树木,多见于被干扰之后的初始阶段。灌木丛通常生长在茂密的树丛里,野生动物很难将其摧折,并且抑制其他树木生长。然而,灌木丛有一个重要的用途就是作为鸟类、动物和无脊椎动物物种的理想栖息地,而且经常可以给动物们作为草食,并且可以覆盖较大的野生动物。它增加了在森林结构的多样性,在沿岸地很重要。它也被称为矮树丛。)
 English thesaurus
brushwood ['brʌʃwud] n
forestr. brush (MichaelBurov)
brushwood: 32 phrases in 2 subjects
Hydroelectric power stations1