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anim.husb. ; 幼芽; 成…细胞; …母细胞
auto. 喷洗; 喷砂; 空气喷射
chem. 爆破
el.mach. 鼓风
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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
blast [blɑ:st] n
gen. 爆炸声,波,气浪; 一次爆破所用炸药量; 一阵风,气流; 冲击; 火舌; 喷砂〔丸,气,焰,射〕; 吹砂〔气,嘘〕; 打气; 气喷; 疏通; 喷砂〔气〕器; 破,毁,开; 摧毁〔残〕; 损害; 变〔蓓〕晶; 有核的红血球; 胚芽; ; 裂殖胚〔胞〕; 稻瘟病; 枯萎病
agric. 狂风; 疾风; 喷吹; 瘟疫; 瘟病; 枯萎; 凋萎
auto. 【动,名】喷洗; 喷砂; 空气喷射
avia. 爆炸气浪; 炸破; 喷射气流; 炮口火焰; 排气火舌
busin. 广播
chem. 爆破
dril. 吹风; 炸药
econ. 突破
el.mach. 鼓风
eng.geol. 開炸; 爆風; 燃爆
exhib. 毁坏
expl. 爆炸利用炸药的爆炸能量对介质做功,以达到预定工程目标的作业。参见 blasting;shooting; 一阵疾风、强气流、雨雪、冰雹等; 吹奏; 轰鸣; 吹,通,送; 抨击; 谴责
genet. 胚细胞; 未成熟细胞
interntl.trade. 登广告
life.sc. 母细胞
met. 鼓风机; 爆炸; 喷砂 (Blast used in reference to the current of air blown into the blast furnace or cupola through the tuyeres for the combustion of the fuel. 鼓风是指为了助燃通过风口喷人高炉或化铁炉的空气流。); 冲击浪; 吹炼; 喷砂; 鼓 〔吹,送,通〕风
oil 爆发脉冲
plast. 吹气
repr.biol. 幼芽; 成…细胞; …母细胞; 分裂球丝分裂球间的丝状纺锤体
space 爆炸 (气浪); 冲击波; 强射流
tech. 炉水分离; 吹砂; 分裂球丝; 汽笛声; 气浪; 喷气器; 送风
telecom. 清除; 释放; 熔固; 烧制
textile 鼓风装置; 喷净装置
UN 核弹冲击波
-blast n
gen. 胚胎; 胚层
agric. ; 嫩枝
anim.husb. 构词成分; 幼芽; 成…细胞; …母细胞
blast [blɑ:st] v
archit. 爆炸; 炸掉; 摧毁; ; 喷气 (射); ; 喷砂器; 压缩器; 变晶
athlet. 冲刺跑
expl. 使爆炸; 炸开与down,away和open 连用,意为:炸掉,炸倒,炸死,炸坏或炸开; 使破灭; 使枯萎凋零; 严厉批评; 鸣响
golf. 爆炸式击球
outd. 开始大岩壁攀登
sport. 暴力击球
 English thesaurus
blast [blɑ:st] n
mil., logist. The brief and rapid movement of air, vapour or fluid away from a centre of outward pressure, as in an explosion or in the combustion of rocket fuel (FRA); the pressure accompanying this movement. This term is commonly used for “explosion”, but the two terms may be distinguished. (FRA)
BLAST [blɑ:st] abbr.
abbr. Bell Labs Layered Space Time; BLocked ASynchronous Transmission
abbr., agric. Building Local Agricultural Systems Today
abbr., avia. Brownout Landing Aid System (semfromshire)
abbr., biotechn. Basic local alignment search tool (Altuntash)
abbr., ed. Bodies Learning About Startling Topics
abbr., el. blocked asynchronous transmission
abbr., mil., avia. blocked asynchronous transmission
abbr., progr., IT Basic Local Alignment And Sequencing Tool; Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
abbr., scottish Battlefield Laser Acquisition Sensor Test (USA)
IT, abbr. Blocked Asynchronous Transmission (Communications Research Group; protocol)
BLAST [blɑ:st] abbr.
abbr., IT block asynchronous transmission
blast to pieces
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1