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bg abbr.
abbr. bag (Vosoni); bearing; bevel gear (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. boulangerite
cartogr. bituminous gravel
bg. abbr.
abbr., econ. bag
BG abbr.
abbr. Baby Gangster; Between Groups; Bevel Gear; Bowling Green; Boy George; Bubble Girl; Bulgarian; Baby Groundhog; back gear; Bama Girl; Battle Generator; beacon ground (Vosoni); Benjamin Greenway; Between Guiderails; Biking Guru; Birmingham Gauge (Vosoni); Bitchy Girl; Blade Gun; Bluegrass Great; Board Of Guardians; Boston Globe (daily, USA); Bottom Grille; Brigadier General; British Government; below ground; battened grating; below ground tractor-drawn scraper; bluish green; bomber group; brigadier-general; British Gas
abbr., auto. bioactive glass (Ying)
abbr., automat. British sheet and hoop iron standard gauge (Британский калибр листового и обручного железа ssn)
abbr., avia. built group (Interex); body gear; beacon, ground; back ground; bombardier gunner; build group (assembly group); build group component; Biman Bangladesh Airlines
abbr., bank. bank guarantee (алешаBG)
abbr., bot., scient. Botanical Garden
abbr., busin. Business Goal (Шакиров); Business Girl
abbr., chem. biguanide
abbr., comp. bad game (антоним GG Johnny Bravo)
abbr., earth.sc. bushveld gabbro
abbr., el. backgate; bandgap; barrier gate; benzoguanamine; border guard; buffer gate
abbr., el., scient. Band Gap
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Baldurs Gate
abbr., file.ext. Game (Backgammon for Windows)
abbr., inet. Big Grin; Big Guy
abbr., IT BackGround; background; big grin (Bricker)
abbr., law Board of Guardians
abbr., mech. British Gravitational BG system of units (Dude67)
abbr., med. Bacillus Globigii; Blood Glucose; Bone Graft; blood glucose (Севостьянов); basic gastrin; buccogingival; bypass graft
abbr., med., fr. by gavage
abbr., media. Blue Grass
abbr., mil. Battle Group; Brigadier General, United States Army; battlegroup
abbr., oil British sheet and hoop iron standard; Backus-Gilbert (theory); base group; basic group; binary gain; biotite granite; blanket gas; blast gas; block group; bonded goods; borehole geophysics; brick grease; British sheet and hoop iron standard gauge; bus grant
abbr., phys., scient. Boltzmann Gibbs
abbr., physiol., med. Bone graft
abbr., polit. Bulgaria; Bangladesh
abbr., railw. Broad Gauge
abbr., scottish Bomb Group (USA)
abbr., spectr. blue glass (igisheva)
abbr., sport. Back Gammon; Blood Games; Both Games
abbr., telecom. Border Gateway (Artjaazz); business group
abbr., well.contr. background gas
mil. battle group; beach group; blast gauge
tech. beta-gamma; breeding gain; British sheet and hoop iron standard gage; butylglycol
Bg abbr.
abbr. broad gauge; gas formation volume factor
abbr., railw. broad gage
bgs. abbr.
abbr., econ. bag (s); bale (s)
bG. abbr.
abbr., textile blueish green
BG\# abbr.
abbr., numism. Breen and Gillio Number
BG. abbr.
abbr., textile blue green
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