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auto. 基极; ; 座体; 底漆; 安装面;
| one
| s
gen. S字
| expenditure
UN account. 支出
| upon
gen. 在……之上
| income
gen. 收入
- only individual words found

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
base [beɪs] n
gen. 基部; 把...建立在某种基础上; 建立在…上; 以…为根据; 基于 (on, upon); 基本〔础〕的; 用作基底〔地〕的; 贱的; 私生的; 低音的; 语言不纯的; 讹误的; ; 【数】底边; 【化】盐基; 底,础,本,质,托,板,体,准,点,线,面,座,数,极,区,地,阵,层,制; 磁带带基; 片基; 边,面,层,子,脚,座,板; 支承〔点〕; 底基极; ; 灯,管; 垫〔地脚〕板; 显微镜座; 染色固色剂; 吸收剂; 燃料基本成分; 载体; 轮,轴,跨; 根据; 起〔出发〕点; 垒球; 翼展刻度; 主药〔剂〕
adv. 样本基数; 印刷版托架
agric. 根基; 盐基{农化} (basis)
archit. 基于; 以……为根据; 设有基地; 基础的; 地基的; 柱础; 地基; 底座; 基点 (线,数); 基面准,地
auto. 三极管基极; 础,准,线,底,座; 座体; 底漆; 金属切削安装面; 轮辋/车轮; 轮胎气门嘴底座; 晶体管基极; 电灯泡灯座; 插座; 齿轮基圆直径
automat. 基极; 管底
avia. 飞机起落航线的第四边; 纵向轮距; 晶体管的基极; 数学中的基线; 化学中的
badm. 中心位置; 毽垫
bridg.constr. 底面; 底边; 底层
busin. 基本; 基期
dermat. 基质
desert. 山麓; 山脚; 丘脚; 盐基
dice. 赌桌上下赌注和付赌金的区域
earth.sc. 最后充填物
econ. 把…基于; 低级的; 劣等的; 卑鄙的; 基本计算单位; 起点; 基于……; 根据……; 底价; 把…建立在…; 以…为基础
el. 数据
el.mach. 底座 (frame); 电机底座
eng.geol. 基底; 基层; 墙基; 柱脚; 勒脚; 踢脚板; 打底层; 底涂层; 涂料基质; 三角网基线; 基级; 根据
exhib. 底部
expl. 建立在…之上
hunt. 弹底
hydroel.st. 基地; ; 基础; ; 基线; 底座
interntl.trade. year以…年为基期; 基准年
math. 基,底
met. 基点; 基数; 基准; ;
multimed. 底数; 基片; 基色
oil, transp. 基地【底,础】
perf. 底香; 基香; 尾香
plast. 基材
polygr. 版基
proj.manag. 基值; 计算机进制包括:base-2、 base-8、base-10、base-16; 主要成份
radio.amat. 底板; 底座; 基极
railw. 底板
refrig. 基面
roll. 固定式炉底; 地脚板
securit. 最低价值; 基价证券
space 基座
sport., med. 底、底部; 碱基; 基托; 主药
steel. 机座
tech. 路面基层; 基质底; 轴距 (指车); 底材; 墙脚板供暖装置; 瓶底; 胎体; 基极 (electrode); 柱础木柱下的础石; 柱磉; 踢脚线; ; 坯料; 质地; 底子; 基体
telecom. 基区; 基地址; ; 磁带的带基
base in chemistry [beɪs] n
base in linear algebra [beɪs] n
base of an index [beɪs] n
stat. 指数基础
π-base n
base of an energy meter [beɪs] n
el., meas.inst. 表底 用于电能表
base Any chemical species, ionic or molecular, capable of accepting or receiving a proton (hydrogen ion) from another substance; the other substance acts as an acid in giving of the proton; the other ion is a base; chemical [beɪs] n
environ. (任何能够从另一物质接受质子(氢离子)的化学物质,无论其为离子或分子;另一供应质子之物质作用为酸,而此化学物质就是碱。)
base of a transistor [beɪs] n
semicond. 基区
 English thesaurus
base [beɪs] n
avia., Canada A flight path extending from the end of the downwind leg to the extended centreline of the approach end of the landing runway (or landing path)
mil., logist. Modular logistic installation, of a level superior to that of the regiment, including functional zones capable of supplying a logistic support in its various domains of responsibility. It is organized and is commanded by an unique authority the orders of the commander of the force of the considered level of which it takes then naming: joint theatre logistic base, land logistic base, divisional logistic base, brigade logistic base. (FRA); Strip of terrain, organized or not, from which the departure of the attack echelon of a formation takes place. (FRA)
USA A locality from which operations are projected or supported. see also facility; An area or locality containing installations which provide logistic or other support. see also facility; Home airfield or home carrier (JP 4-0) see also facility
base [beɪs] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. basaltic series
abbr., oil basement granite
BASE [beɪs] abbr.
abbr. Business Attraction Support Establishment; Building Antennae Spans Earth
abbr., avia. cloud base
abbr., ed., scient. Bangalore Academy of Science and Education
abbr., el., scient. Bedini Audio Special Environment; Boston Area Semiconductor Education; Buildings Antennas Spans And Earth
abbr., energ.ind. Building Assessment, Survey and Evaluation Study (Millie)
abbr., med. B27-arthritis-sacroiliitis-extra-articular Features (syndrome)
abbr., mil. Brigade Automated Simulation Exercise; Building Antenna Span And Earth
abbr., mil., avia. basic army strategic estimates
abbr., monk. Building Antenna Spans Earth
abbr., scottish British Aerospace Systems & Equipment
abbr., skydive. building, antenna, span, earth (BASE is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: building, antenna, span, and earth (or cliff) Val_Ships)
abbr., sol.pow. beta-alumica solid electrolyte (AllaR); beta-alumina solid electrolyte (AllaR)
abbr., st.exch. Bank- Americard Service Exchange
abbr., tradem. Bay Area Studio Engineering
meteorol. base of cloud
mil. basic Army strategic estimate
base one 's expenditure upon income
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