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gen. ; 恶劣的事物; 不好
archit. 不好的; 有害的
busin. 低劣的; 不利的
commer. 不利; 无效
| lay
archit. 情况
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noun | adjective | abbreviation | adverb | to phrases
bad [bæd] n
gen. ; 恶劣的事物〔状态〕
archit. 不好的; 有害的
busin. 低劣的; 不利的
commer. 不利; 无效
fig.skat. 评分标准
tech. 不良的
bad [bæd] adj.
gen. 不好; ; 差的; 不充足的; 不恰当的; 不舒服的; 不合算的; 恶性的; 厉害的; 食物等腐败的; 难闻的; 错误的; 糟糕的
sport. 坏的; 不健康的; 严重的
worst [wɜ:st] adj.
gen. 最坏; 最差; 最恶劣; 最不利; 最不适合; 错误最多的; 效能最低的
hydroel.st. 最坏的; 最不利的
worse [wɜ:s] adj.
gen. 更坏 糟,差; 更厉害; 更恶
Bad! adj.
sport. 球出界!口令
tenn. 裁判用语球出界!
 English thesaurus
BAD [bæd] abbr.
abbr. Banda; Bikers Against Diabetes; Blinker Appreciation Day; Buck A Day; Bad Asses Defined; Baseline Assessment Document; Big And Dirty; Bold And Dedicated; Broken As Designed; U.S. area phone code Bikers Against Diabetes
abbr., ed. Be A Doer; Bipolar Affected Disorder
abbr., file.ext. Bad file (Oracle)
abbr., hist. Berlin Air Device
abbr., inf. Bold And Dedicated 1. Very popular word meaning varies periodically. "Bad" has transformed into its opposite as being " good ". 2. If you accidentally do something wrong in the presence someone,...
abbr., IT Bad file
abbr., law Big And Dangerous
abbr., med. Biological Aerosol Detection; Biologically Active Dose; British Association Of Dermatologists
abbr., media. Big Audio Dynamite
abbr., mil. Battlefield Awareness Data
abbr., mil., artil. blast attenuator device (Киселев)
abbr., mil., WMD blast attenuation duct
abbr., physiol. Bipolar Affective Disorder
abbr., scottish Base Air Depot (USAF)
abbr., sport. Bad Anonymous Dicerollers
mil. base ammunition depot; biological aerosol detection
Bad [bæd] n
law, abbr. B
bad [bæd] abbr.
abbr., amer., slang bomb (The movie was a bomb); yukky (This food tastes yukky)
slang intense (Wow, that was really a bad movie)
Bad [bæd] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Baghdad
WORSE [wɜ:s] abbr.
abbr., comp. word selection
BAD [bæd] abbr.
abbr., avia. boom-avoidance distance; boom-avoidance distance on arrival; boom-avoidance distance on departure; base air depot
abbr., oil bisphenol A disalicylate
BAD [bæd] abbr.
abbr., avia. boom avoidance distance
abbr., med. British Association of Dermatology
abbr., mil. blast attenuation device (blast attenuation device (BAD) is attached to the muzzle of the cannon assembly to reduce the blast effects on the mortar crew)
bad lay
: 2 phrases in 1 subject