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sport. 奥地利
anim.husb. 自身; 同源的; 自动的; 自体的
repr.biol. 自身; 自发

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
aut. n
shipb. 自动的; 机械的; 自动装置; 自动化机器
aut- n
anim.husb. 构词成分自身; 同源的; 自动的; 自体的
repr.biol. 自身; 自发
AUT abbr.
sport. 奥地利 (National Olympic Committee)
 English thesaurus
aut. abbr.
abbr. autograph; automobile
construct. automatic
aut abbr.
abbr. automatic devices and automation (ssn)
polym. automatic
AUT abbr.
abbr. Association of University Teachers; Application Under Test; Arse Under Tit
abbr., ed., scient. Auckland University of Technology
abbr., el. advanced ultrasonic testing (system); assembly under test
abbr., file.ext. Automation (IPIX)
abbr., inet. Are you there?
abbr., IT Automation
mil. advanced unit training; advanced user terminal
O&G automatic mode
tech. automated ultrasonic test
Aut abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. autonomous
auto abbr.
abbr., med. automatic
Aut abbr.
abbr., oil autograph
Aut. abbr.
abbr. autumn
AUT abbr.
abbr., busin. automobile
abbr., conv.notation. Austria (igisheva)
abbr., nautic. Automated machinery systems (автоматизированные технологические системы (вариант) Marinade)
abbr., oil automated unit test
aut: 9 phrases in 6 subjects
United Nations1