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mil. "环礁"
space 环礁
hydroel.st. 环礁
oil 环礁
tech. 环形珊瑚岛
| reef
environ. 暗礁
hydroel.st. 矿脉; 暗礁

to phrases
atoll ['ætɔl] adj.
hydroel.st. 环礁
oil 环礁 (reef)
tech. 环形珊瑚岛
water.res. 环状珊瑚岛
Atoll ['ætɔl] adj.
space 环礁 (苏联空空导弹)
"Atoll" adj.
mil. "环礁" ((K-13)AA-2空对空导弹(苏))
 English thesaurus
ATOLL ['ætɔl] abbr.
abbr., avia. assembly test oriented launch language
abbr., mil., avia. acceptance, test or launch language
tech. acceptance test of launch language
Atoll ['ætɔl] abbr.
abbr., space assembly/test oriented launch language
atoll: 37 phrases in 8 subjects
Desert science1
Engineering geology1
Hydroelectric power stations1
Oil / petroleum19
Textile industry1
United Nations4
Water resources1