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alpha-radiation [ˌælfəreɪdi'eɪʃn]
gen. α粒子辐射作用
alpha radiation
agric. α 辐射
environ. α粒子辐射
met. α 射线
mil., air.def. α 粒子辐射
nucl.phys. 阿尔法放射
wind. α辐射
alpha particle radiation
el. а粒子射线辐射作用
alpha radiation A stream of alpha particles which are ejected from many radioactive substances having a penetrating power of a few cm in air but can be stopped by a thin piece of paper
environ. 阿尔法射线 (许多放射性物质发射出的、能穿透几厘米的空气但会被一张薄纸挡住的阿尔法粒子流。)
alpha-radiation: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology1
Water resources1