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ajar [ə'ʤɑ:] adj.
auto. 未关紧
tech. 微开着; 不协调; 半开 (指门)
ajar [ə'ʤɑ:] adv.
gen. 半开微开
archit. 不调和; 半开; 微开
 English thesaurus
ajar [ə'ʤɑ:] adj.
gen. slightly open (of a door or other opening: I was in a hospital and I saw that my door was open slightly ajar. • The one window was open and the door stood slightly ajar, yet she did not get the impression that the house was abandoned. • There was a window that was slightly ajar, to a room with an open door, where the two ARC men were holding a conversation. • Pressing a hand over his mouth, he stifled the wretch he could not keep down, pushing out a hand in front of him to wave the door which was already slightly ajar open. • He found the door slightly ajar, and pushed it on open, clearing his throat to warn the occupant of his entering, but Greg found the room empty. • Peering round the doorframe into the dull landing, he saw Hannah's door open, and the bathroom door slightly ajar. • Noticing Vincent's bedroom door was slightly ajar, Cael pushed it open further and looked in and grinned. • At the eleventh hour the door was left slightly ajar once more. • He's got the door slightly ajar, just cracked enough to peek through. • Martin peers through an ajar door which opens into the lobby. • This other world is dreamlike, dark and sensual; time stands eerily still, doors are slightly ajar with nothing but blackness behind them. • They exited the room through the slightly ajar door, where they saw Xavier and Saulo using the phone, Xavier with tears in his eyes. • Hurrying over to 818, she was not very surprised to find the door slightly ajar. • He could see a slit of light coming from the slightly ajar door. • My hand grasped the knob and I turned it gently, pushing the door slightly ajar. • The door was ajar and swung open without resistance, and with Tabitha at home that did not happen. • She opened the ajar door, saw an old television on a wheeled cart broadcasting a fire downtown. • She eased up to a door that was slightly ajar and peeked inside the room to view about six or seven men sitting at a round wooden table, discussing something. • Both girls started and turned towards the direction of the new voice - behind them and to the right, through a slightly ajar door. • The door was slightly ajar, allowing her to slip in quietly. lexico.com)
AJAR [ə'ʤɑ:] abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
abbr., med. African Journal Of AIDS Research
abbr., mil., avia. anti-jam antenna retrofit
ajar [ə'ʤɑ:] adv.
arch. in a jarring state ; unharmonious (What seems ajar is the loving family's refusal to acknowledge her boyfriend and her acceptance of this, albeit resentful. • I wonder at my life, it seems ajar. Is it so bad to long for relationship? Will He grant me kindred heart fellowship? • We, as human beings, tend to dismiss something as soon as one small piece seems AJAR!!! • A woman prophesying in the midst of her own family doesn't fit; a woman prophesying out in the open marketplace seems ajar. lexico.com)
ajar: 14 phrases in 5 subjects