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airport radar service area
avia. 机场雷达服务区 (指定机场周围的管制空域,在该空域内由空中交通管制向所有仪表飞行规则 (IFR )和目视飞行规则 (VFR)飞机提供专门的雷达导引和排序服务。 ARSA 服务包括标准 IFR/IFR, IFR 间隔;IFR/VFR 交通咨询和冲突解决; VFR/VFR 交通咨询和适当的安全警告。在 VFR 航图中对 ARSA 进行描述。该词已被 Airspace Class C (C 级空域)所代替)
 English thesaurus
Airport Radar Service Area
avia., amer. A regulatory airspace surrounding designated airports wherein ATC provides radar vectoring and sequencing on a full-time basis for all IFR and VFR aircraft. The service provided in an ARSA is called ARSA service, which includes: a IFR/IFR—standard IFR separation; b IFR/VFR—traffic advisories and conflict resolution; and c VFR/VFR—traffic advisories and, as appropriate, safety alerts. The Aeronautical Information Manual AIM contains an explanation of ARSA. ARSAs are depicted on VFR aeronautical charts.
transp., abbr. ARSA