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air movement
avia. 空中运送; 气流; 空运
refrig. 空气移动
tech. 空气流动; 空气运动
air movements
gen. 空中活动
busin. 航空运输
air movement Air movements within the Earth's atmospheric circulation; also called planetary winds. Two main components are recognized: first, the latitudinal meridional component due to the Coriolis force (a deflecting motion or force discussed by G.G. de Coriolis in 1835. The rotation of the Earth causes a body moving across its surface to be deflected to the right in the N hemisphere and to the left in the S hemisphere); and secondly, the longitudinal component and the vertical movement, resulting largely from varying pressure distributions due to differential heating and cooling of the Earth's surface
environ. 空气流动 (地球大气循环中的空气流动,也叫行星风。主要由两个力分量引起:第一,纬度子午线上的力分量即地球自转偏向力(由G.G. de Coriolis在1835年提出的一种偏向运动或偏向力:地球的自传导致横越其表面的物体移动在北半球的时候向右偏转,在南半球向左偏转);第二,经度纵向分量和垂直运动,主要由地球表面温度差分加热和冷却造成的不同压力分布所引起。)
 English thesaurus
air movement
USA Air transport of units, personnel, supplies, and equipment including airdrops and air landings (JP 3-17) see also airdrop, airland
air movement: 29 phrases in 10 subjects
Earth sciences1
International trade1
Textile industry3
Wind Energy2