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agricultural pests
ecol. 农业害虫
agricultural pest
desert. 农业害虫
tech. 农业害物; 农业病虫害
agricultural pest Insects and mites that damage crops, weeds that compete with field crops for nutrients and water, plants that choke irrigation channels or drainage systems, rodents that eat young plants and grain, and birds that eat seedlings or stored foodstuffs
environ. 农业害虫 (损害农作物的昆虫和小虫、与农作物争夺营养和水分的野草、堵塞灌溉渠道或排水系统的植物、幼苗和谷物的啮齿类动物以及吃秧苗或余粮的鸟类。)
agricultural pests
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