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aeronautical information manual
avia. 航空信息手册 (美国联邦航空局“FAA”的一种主要岀版物,用于指导飞行员在美国国家空域系统中的飞行操作,其中提供有关基本飞行信息、空中交通管制 (ATC )程序、健康和医学等方面的指导信息、影响飞行安全的因素、事故和危险报告、航图的类型及使用等)
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Aeronautical Information Manual
avia., amer. A primary FAA publication whose purpose is to instruct airmen about operating in the National Airspace System of the U.S. It provides basic flight information, ATC procedures and general instructional information concerning health, medical facts, factors affecting flight safety, accident and hazard reporting, and types of aeronautical charts and their use.
transp., abbr. AIM