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acquiesce [ˌækwiˈɛs] v
gen. 默认〔许〕; 勉强同意〔接受〕 (in)
 English thesaurus
acquiesce [ˌækwiˈɛs] v
gen. to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively (often used with in or to: The main body of Shi'is, in and around Iraq, accepted 'Abbasid rule, or at least acquiesced in it. (Albert Hourani, A History of the Arab Peoples, 1991) • He passively acquired the reputation of being a snob, and acquiesced to it … (George V. Higgins, Harper's, September 1984) • The Prison Courtyard speaks to today’s proliferation of mass hysterias, our easy susceptibility to hoaxes and lies, and the will among young people not just to conform but to acquiesce. (National Review) • In return for not invading Ukraine, Putin wants Biden to acquiesce to his making Kiev a political and economic subsidiary of the Kremlin. (Forbes) • Democrats in the Lone Star State were quick to tear into Abbott for appearing to acquiesce to Trump's demands. (CNN) • Academics Arvid Bell and Dana Wolf argue on Harvard University’s Russia Matters site that Ukraine could acquiesce on major points while still maintaining sovereignty. (Washington Post) • There are at least a dozen Senate Republicans — and perhaps many more — who appear very unlikely to acquiesce to a brazen push to overturn a legitimate electoral slate. (New York Times) merriam-webster.com); to consent or comply passively or without protest (The newest protocols require that the subjects of research ... acquiesce to the ultimate objectives. (Steve Olson) • Socrates acquiesced in his own execution. (William H. Gass) thefreedictionary.com); to accept or agree to something, often unwillingly (Reluctantly, he acquiesced to/in the plans. cambridge.org); to agree to something, often when you do not want to (in/to: Despite acquiescing in the board's decision, he had never really changed his own view macmillandictionary.com)