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write-off ['raɪtɔf]
gen. 因严重损坏而报废; 完全无用; 注消; 削减; 跌价; 摊提
econ. 注销账面值; 被勾销的项目
fin. 销记
hydroel.st. 报废; 销账
IMF. 注销金额
interntl.trade. 冲销; 注销; 资产注销; 转销
textile 取消; 勾销; 报废项目
write off ['raɪt'ɔf]
econ. 一气写成; 写信寄出; 抹去; 取〔勾,注〕消; 划掉; 削减; 迅速记述; 资产注销
exhib. 取消
fin. 销帐; 注销
oil 销账
proj.manag. 撇账
securit. 销记; 取销; 勾销
tech. 删除账面值
textile 冲销
write off an asset ['raɪt'ɔf]
IMF. 注销坏; 冲销; 注销
write-off Accounting procedure that is used when an asset is uncollectible and is therefore charged-off as a loss ['raɪtɔf]
environ. 注销 (当资产无法收回而作为亏损销账时使用的会计程序。)
 English thesaurus
write-off ['raɪtɔf]
mil., logist. All administrative and technical operations necessary to get an equipment out of the inventory. 2. Status of a soldier declared unfit for service, temporarily or permanently, because of a disability or a disease. (FRA)
Write Off
: 88 phrases in 10 subjects
International Monetary Fund4
Project management1
Textile industry5
United Nations1