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multimed. 美国地区域名/正斜杠/双正斜杠
gen. 我们; 咱们
econ. 我们
gen. 我们; 咱们; 本刊; 作者; 人们
| find
dril. 新发现的油田
| the
quality of | the
| anti-theft carved door
 anti-theft carved doors
sec.sys. 浮雕防盗门
| is
hydroel.st. 印度标准
| satisfactory
manag. 符合要求的
| but
| we
gen. 我们
| re
med. 视黄醇当量
not sure | whether
gen. 不管是...
| the
| q
econ. 英语的第十七个字母
- only individual words found

personal pronoun | abbreviation | to phrases
us [ʌs]
gen. 我们; 咱们; we 的宾格,用作宾语或表语我们
desert. 【蒙古语、布里亚特语】水
econ. we 的宾格我们
we [wi:]
gen. 我们; 咱们; 自称本刊 (报); 作者; 〔泛指〕人们
commer. 我方
gen. 结尾的拉丁语名词的复数
multimed. 美国地区域名/正斜杠/双正斜杠
 English thesaurus
us ['ju: 'es] abbr.
abbr. undersize; Uniform System (lens marking)
O&G potential
WE [wi:] abbr.
abbr. weight element; Wednesday; Western Electronics; Whole Earth; Vertical Vertex Errors; Weather Element; World Education
abbr., alum. West Engineering
abbr., avia. water extractor
abbr., busin. world exposition
abbr., earth.sc. wave equation; West End Rhyolite; Western Electric Co.; working electrode; write enable
abbr., ed. A World To Explore
abbr., el. Western Electric Company; wet etching; window etching; wiring elementary; word element
abbr., IT Whatever
abbr., Makarov. water equivalent
abbr., med. Western encephalomyelitis
abbr., mil. With Equipment
abbr., mil., avia. watch error
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. effluent water
abbr., O&G, sakh. Well Engineering (WP&B)
abbr., oil warehouse entry; weathering; weight empty; weld ends
abbr., oncol. wide excision (SWexler)
abbr., polit. West Bank
abbr., railw. Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Company
abbr., scottish Weald Electronics Ltd (UK); Weapon Engineer
abbr., sec.sys., IT Wireless Encryption
abbr., soil. in situ weathered material
abbr., space write-enable
abbr., st.exch. Westcoast Energy, Inc.
abbr., tech. Warm insulation, Electrical Traced (TheFellowShipper)
abbr., textile wage earner
abbr., tradem. Western Electric
mil. war emergency; war establishment; weather emergency; with equipment; withholding exemptions
we [wi:] abbr.
abbr., busin. weekend
We [wi:] abbr.
abbr. cumulative water encroachment; modified Weber criterion; Weber criterion
abbr., earth.sc. Weber number; willemite
abbr., univer. WCWI
We find the quality of the anti-theft carved door is satisfactory, but we' re not sure whether the: 1 phrase in 1 subject