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 English thesaurus
WTA abbr.
abbr. Washington Tour On Advocacy; Wildlife Trust Alliance; Wisconsin Towns Association; World Transhumanist Association; World's Top Awards
abbr., avia. Tambohorano, Madagascar
abbr., commer. World Transport Agency
abbr., comp., net. wireless telephony application
abbr., econ. World Trade Atlas (Vosoni)
abbr., el. weapon-target assignment; wireless telephone application; worldwide technology assessment
abbr., genet. willingness to accept
abbr., geophys. Willie equation (MichaelBurov); Willie time average equation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Wireless Telephony Applications
abbr., mil. Warfighter's Tactical Associate
abbr., mil., avia. weapon target assignment
abbr., oil water treating agent; well test analysis
abbr., sport. Washington Trails Association; Winner Takes All; Women's Tennis Association; World Tennis Association
abbr., textile Wholesale Textile Association
abbr., transp. Washington Truckers Association; Whatcom Transportation Authority; World Teleport Association
interntl.trade., abbr. World Touring and Automobile Organization
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