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WAV abbr.
multimed. WAV 格式
proj.manag. 一种文件扩展名
wav abbr.
IT 波形文件
 English thesaurus
WAV abbr.
abbr. With Added Value
abbr., avia. Wave Hill, Northern Territory, Australia
abbr., comp., net. waveform audio
abbr., earth.sc. water available
abbr., el. write access variable
abbr., file.ext. Sound format (Microsoft Windows RIFF WAVE, Media Player Vosoni)
abbr., IT WAVEform audio format Sound; Wide Area Visualization; Worldwide Address Verification; WAVe (Bricker)
abbr., nautic., scient. Watershed Action Volunteers
abbr., relig. Welcoming All Voices
abbr., sec.sys., IT Windows Anti-Virus
abbr., telecom. waveform audio file format
.WAV abbr.
IT audio/x-wav
.wav abbr.
file.ext. Waveform Audio (file name extension)
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