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VM abbr.
abbr. Value Management; Vehicle Manufacturers; Velocity Matching; Version Mars; Voltage Magnitude; Veterinary Manual; volt per meter; vector mask; vertical magnet
abbr., AI. Ventilator Manager
abbr., anim.husb. vegetable matter content
abbr., auto. vacuum modulator; vacuum motor; vane meter; vehicle maintenance monitor; vehicle manufacturer; video module
abbr., avia. heading-to-manual termination; vendors manuals; virtual manufacturing; heading with manual termination; maneuvering speed; minimum recommended maneuvering speed; recommended maneuvering speed; valid message; verification marker; vertical machine
abbr., BrE Victory Medal
abbr., comp. virtual multi-access
abbr., comp., net. VESA media
abbr., earth.sc. vertical mixing; volts per metre
abbr., ed. Volts Mag
abbr., el. vector message; vector modulator; verification model; vertical magnetic field applied (growth method); vibrating mirror; video monitor; virtual mainframe; voice mailbox; volatile memory; voltage monitor
abbr., el., scient. Vacuum Melted; Virtual Meter
abbr., file.ext. Virtual manager temporary file (Windows 3.x)
abbr., goldmin. viscosity modifier (Sempai)
abbr., IT Video Mail; Virtual Machine; Virtual Memory; Virtual Memory file; Voice Messaging; channel VESA media channel; virtual machine (Bricker)
abbr., market. Viral-Marketing (ВВладимир); Virus-Marketing (ВВладимир)
abbr., math., scient. Valuation Measure
abbr., med. Membrane Potential; Muscle Volume; Maximum Velocity; Ventricular Muscle; Virtual Mentor (periodical); ventilatory muscle
abbr., mil. Viet Minh
abbr., mil., air.def. volatile management
abbr., mil., avia. vehicle-mounted
abbr., mil., WMD Voltmeter
abbr., mus. Voice Of Music
abbr., oil average velocity; molar volume; vapor treatment
abbr., opt. velocity modulation
abbr., pharm. vitamin/mineral (igisheva); velcade and melphalan
abbr., physiol. VasoMotor; Vasts Medialis
abbr., physiol., med. Vasomotor
abbr., polit. Vietnam
abbr., polym. volatile matter
abbr., progr., IT View Mail
abbr., scient. Von Mises
abbr., scottish Vietnam (NATO country code)
abbr., silic. vacuum melting
abbr., space virtual facturing
abbr., st.exch. variation margin (вариационная маржа 'More)
abbr., tel. voice mail (Dmitry)
abbr., vet.med., med. Vertebrate Mystery
meteorol. velocity meter
mil. vehicle maintenance; vehicle mechanic
railw. fruit-vegetable ventilator, insulated
tech. variable metric; viewing monitor; viscosity modulus; voice modulation; volts per mil
Vm abbr.
abbr. mud velocity
abbr., earth.sc. Mesozoic volcanic rocks; vermiculite
abbr., med. monkey viremia
abbr., oil velocity of mud
Vₘ𝒸 abbr.
abbr., avia. minimum control speed; minimum control speed with engine inoperative; minimum control speed on ground
,Vₘ𝒸𝓰 abbr.
abbr., avia. minimum control speed on ground
vm adj.
O&G volatile matters
Vₘ abbr.
abbr., avia. maximum drag speed due to precipitation
VM V&M abbr.
abbr., oil Группа Valves & Measurement компании Cameron (Johnny Bravo)
vm. abbr.
abbr., tech. voltmeter
: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
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