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agric. 财产转让; 资产转移
hydroel.st. 传送; 转让; 传输; 转换
met. 传导
sport. 迁移; 传递
| of
| Custody
manag. 保管
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | verb | to phrases
transfer ['trænsfɜ:] n
gen. 转账业务; 【化】传递; 【电】切换; 【计】转移
agric. 移植; 移栽; 移动
avia. 变换器; 发射机; 中转; 转机
busin. 过户凭单; 汇划; 让渡; 转拨资金; 转业; 划转; 交付
China, law 移送; 转任
commer. 搬运; 汇总; 汇兑亦缩为 transf.; 汇兑亦缩为 trfr; 汇兑亦缩为 trans, transf.; 汇总亦缩为 TRNS, TRNS-FR., transf.
comp., MS 轉接 (The act of sending the current phone call to a third person)
dermat. 转变
dril. 转接; 运移
econ. 职务调动; 股票等的过户 (凭单); 交割证券; 所有权过户; 电汇; 翻印; 转换处; 换车; 换船; 出让
el. 交换
eng.geol. 调水
fin. 转帐事项,转让; 转运; 过户凭单; 股票过户交割
footb. 运动员转队
geophys. 转移 (ed, ing); 变换 (ed, ing); 传送 (ed, ing)
hydroel.st. 传送; 转让; 传输; 转换; 转移; 移交; 输送; 转录
interntl.trade. 调拨; 转账; 过户; 汇兑
IT 磁带转录
manag. 调职
met. 传导
nautic., tech. 正横矩
oil 划拨
oil, transp. 接转
radio.amat. 传送; 转向; 转移
railw. 区间运行; 转场
refrig. 位移
roll. 移送机; 拖运机; 运输机; 冷床; 台架
securit. 转让票据; 票据的转让
space 变换
sport. 迁移; 传递; 调任; ; 转会
steel. 传达
tech. 转向装置; 连续自动 (化); 换乘; 横距; 让与; 切换; 过户 (ownership)
textile 转拨奖金; 移圈; 烫画转移图案的工艺
transfers n
interntl.trade. 转拨资金; 汇水; 过户凭单; 让与证书; 股票过户; 汇承; 过户
Transfer ['trænsfɜ:] n
comp., MS 轉接 (A menu item that transfers the current phone call without the user remaining on the line to announce the call)
transfer of property ['trænsfɜ:] n
agric. 财产转让; 资产转移
transfer ['trænsfɜ:] v
gen. 转移〔换,接,录,印,写〕; 传输〔物质〕转移; 移动 (交,送,植); 位〔迁〕移; 搬〔转〕运; 运输; 调任〔动〕; 传递〔导,送,输,动,热〕; 换车〔船〕; 进位; 改 〔转〕变; 翻译; 数据的记录与读出; 摹绘; 转运设备; 转向〔输送〕装置; 连续自动; 汇兑〔划〕; 渡轮; 调动
expl. ; 转学; 使转移
proj.manag. 转拨
transfers v
econ. 转账; 转让
 English thesaurus
transfer ['trænsfɜ:] abbr.
abbr., account. t/f
abbr., agric. trs
abbr., amer. tfr.; trans; transf.
abbr., build.struct. trsf (Serhio the best)
abbr., econ. tsfr
abbr., IT trn
abbr., mining. trfr
invest., abbr. tfr
mil., abbr. tr; trf
tech., abbr. trnfr
Transfer ['trænsfɜ:] n
mil., abbr. Xfer
TRANSFER ['trænsfɜ:] n
mil. transportation simulation for estimating requirements
Transfers of Custody
: 1 phrase in 1 subject