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Terrestrial Ecosystem
 terrestrial ecosystem
desert. 陆地生态系统
environ. 陆域生态系统
| Monitoring Sites
 monitoring site
eng.geol. 监测点; 监测场地

to phrases
terrestrial ecosystem
desert. 陆地生态系统
tech. 陆地生态系 (统)
terrestrial ecosystem Any terrestrial environment, from small to large, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment
environ. 陆域生态系统 (从小到大的任何陆地环境,植物和动物与环境的化学和物理功能特征。)
Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring Sites
: 11 phrases in 6 subjects
Desert science2
Earth sciences1
Name of organization2
United Nations2
Water resources1