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TTB abbr.
interntl.trade. 电汇购买
 English thesaurus
TTB abbr.
abbr. Tacky Tiara Brigade; Tandem To Booster; The Throwback Baby; Thompson Total Branding; Time- Tagged Buffer; Twin Traction Beam; temporary trunk blocking
abbr., auto. transverse torsion bar
abbr., avia. Tortoli, Italy; tank testbed; tanker/transport/bomber
abbr., busin. telegraphic transfer buying
abbr., ed. Through The Book
abbr., el. teletype buffer; toll testboard
abbr., inet. Techno Talking Babe
abbr., mil. Take The Bullet; Time To Bomb; Torpedo Tube Battery; transportation terminal battalion
abbr., mil., avia. tanker-transport-bomber
abbr., numism. Tres Tres Beau
abbr., oil telegraphic transfer bought
abbr., scottish Tank Test-Bed (USA); Tanker / Transport / Bomber; Target Triggered Burst; Transportable Tracking Range
abbr., tradem. Things That Break
abbr., USA Tax and Trade Bureau (bookworm)
mil. tank test-bed; target-triggered burst; threshold test ban
tech. teletypewriter buffer