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TCA herbicide abbr.
pest.contr. 三氯醋酸除草剂
 English thesaurus
TCA abbr.
abbr. Tax Code Area; The Conspiracy Alliance; Time Of Closest Approach; information technology & TeleCommunications Association (organization); Tactical Communication Augmentation; Terminal Control Areas; Terminal Controlled Airspace; Theater Collection Assets; Theater Communications Architecture; Turbulent Contact Absorber; thrust-chamber assembly; tonic cane per acre
abbr., auto. thermostat controlled air cleaner; turbo charged and charge air cooled
abbr., automat. tooth contact analysis
abbr., avia. Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia; terminal control area (Christine_A); TC Aviation; Transport Canada Aviation; telecommande automatique; throttle control assembly; transport category airplane; turbine cooling airflow; thermal control area; throttle control assy; thrust chamber assembly; Trans-Canada Airlines; turbine cooling air; type certificate amendment
abbr., biol. trichloroacetic acid
abbr., build.mat. Total Corrosion Allowances (BRADA)
abbr., chem. thiocarbanilide; calcitar
abbr., chem., scient. Tri Chloroacetic Acid
abbr., chem.comp. total carbon analysis (igisheva)
abbr., comp., IT Telecommunications Computer Architecture
abbr., comp., net., IT Target Channel Adapter
abbr., comp.name. Tubular Corporation of America; Truckload Carriers Association
abbr., construct. Total Construction Area (общая площадь застройки gangsta)
abbr., corp.gov. temporary clerical assistance
abbr., drug.name Trichloroacetic acid; Tricyclic Antidepressants
abbr., earth.sc. Technical Cooperation Administration; thermal conductivity analyzer; time compression approximation; time condensation approximation
abbr., el. Taipei Computer Association; Technology Competitiveness Act; Telecommunications Association; telemetry channel assembly; thermal cyclic annealing; traffic conditioning agreement; transfer control accumulation register; transport connection accept; transverse chromatic aberration; trichloroethane
abbr., food.ind., law trichloranisole
abbr., fr., space télécommande automatique
abbr., genet. tricarboxylic acid cycle
abbr., health., med. Tricyclic Anti-Depressant
abbr., inet. Totally Crushed Again; Training Chat Archive
abbr., int.rel. Trade and Cooperation Agreement ('More)
abbr., IT Task Control Area; Telecom Computing Architecture; Threshold Crossing Alert
abbr., med. T-cell A Locus; Terminal Cancer; Therapeutic Communities Of America; Total Cholic Acid; Trichloroacetic Acid; tricyclic antidepressants (Merry Prawn); Tricyclic Antidepressant; total circulating albumin
abbr., media. Teen Choice Awards; Television Critics Association
abbr., mil. Tactical Commander Afloat; TRADOC Contracting Agency; Transformational Communications Architecture; time of closest approach; traditional combatant commander activity
abbr., mil., air.def. target class assignment; transformation communication architecture; transmit control reassembly
abbr., mil., WMD Toxic Change Area
abbr., oil telemetering control assembly; tetracarboxylic acid; total circulation arrest; total constituent analysis; trace contamination analysis; transcontinental arch; tricalcium aluminate; trichloroacetonitrile; Turks and Caicos Islands
abbr., org.name. Policy Assistance Division; Policy Assistance and Resources Mobilization Division
abbr., physiol. Transient Cerebral Accident mini-stroke
abbr., plast. Telecommunication Computer Architecture
abbr., plast.surg. transverse cervical artery
abbr., polym. trichloracetic acid
abbr., proj.manag. transaction cost analysis
abbr., scottish Time of Closest Approach
abbr., space technical collaboration agreement; temperature control amplifier; terminal communication adapter
abbr., sport. Treasure Coast Allstars
abbr., st.exch. Thermo Cardiosystems, Inc.
abbr., textile Textile Council of Australia
abbr., transp. Terminal Control Area; Traffic Control Airport
abbr., wine.gr. trichloroanisole (химический элемент, придающий привкус пробки вину Оля-ля)
biochem., med. Tricarboxylic Acid
energ.ind. termination contracting agent; thermal critical assembly; total combustion analysis
law, abbr. Turkish Competition Authority (Leonid Dzhepko)
meteorol. total cloud amount
mil. tactical combat aircraft; tactical communications area; tanker/cargo aircraft; technical change analysis; theater commander's approval; track crossing angle; traffic control area; trainer cargo aircraft
tech. temperature control assembly; trichloroacetate
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Name of organization1