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TBM abbr.
tech. 隧道掘进机
 English thesaurus
TBM abbr.
abbr. Time Based Management; Toleranced By Manufacturing; time-based management; tunnel boring machine method
abbr., construct. tunnel boring machine (MichaelBurov); Technical Building Management (gorbulenko)
abbr., earth.sc. Thiessen-Bureau of Mines System; total-tree biomass; turning bands method
abbr., el. terabit memory; trillion bit memory; tight binding method; tone burst modulation; total business management; transmission band maximum
abbr., gas.proc. tool-box meeting (Fuat)
abbr., inet. Total Bull Movement
abbr., med. Thrombomodulin; Total Body Mass; Tracheobronchiomegaly; Trophoblastic Basement Membrane; Tuberculous Meningitis; Tubular Basement Membrane; tubular basement membrane (базальная мембрана канальцев Земцова Н.)
abbr., media. The Birthday Massacre
abbr., mil. Tactical Ballistic Missile; Theater Ballistic Missile; Theater Battle Management; theatre ballistic missile (Киселев)
abbr., nucl.pow. test blanket module (Boris54)
abbr., oil temporary bench mark; turning band method
abbr., physiol., med. Total Body Modification
abbr., product. time based maintenance (rakhmat)
abbr., relig. True Believing Mormon
abbr., st.exch. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
mil. tactical ballistic missile; theater ballistic missile; time between maintenance; toss bombing maneuver
: 10 phrases in 3 subjects
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