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comp., MS 支援
hydroel.st. 支柱; 支架
math. 支集,支柱,台
met. 机座; 承重; 维持; 证实; 保证; 证明
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gen. 原创
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environ. 音乐
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noun | verb | to phrases
support [sə'pɔ:t] n
gen. 【机】支座
adv. 支托; 助演嘉宾
agric. 副器; 支器 (fulcrum); (podetum); 支持体; 轴承支座; 支援 (supporta)
athlet. 跳高架立柱; 立柱; 跳高架
auto. 支承持,柱,撑; 吊住; ; 催化剂床身; 发电机支座; 轴承盖; 车间支架; 架车凳
avia. 援助; 供养
bridg.constr. 承托; 支点; 支承
busin. 承受
China, law 扶持; 扶养; 赡养; 资助
comp., MS 支援 (The activities and actions performed by customer service representatives to assist customers)
compr. 托架
cycl. 尾随
dril. 筛网托架
econ. 支持者
el.mach. 电机支架
eng.geol. 支护
exhib. 赞成
expl. 支架为维护围岩稳定和保障工作安全采用的杆件式结构物和整体式构筑物的总称。根据材质不同可分为木支架、金属支架、砖石支架、混凝土支架、钢筋混凝土支架等, 根据形状不同可分为梯形支架、矩形支架、拱形支架、马蹄形支架、圆形支架、椭圆形支架等。在聚能爆破中,支架的作用是保证最佳炸高。最佳炸高根据聚能弹设计决定:一般是药型罩底部直径的1support3倍。―vt <-> 支撑
fin. 支撑价位; 支撑区
hydroel.st. 支柱; 支架; 支座; 杆塔 (structure of an overhead line); 支撑件; 底座
manag. 支援; 经受; 为…提供证据; 通过买进或借贷的方法维持高价
math. 支集,支柱,台
mech. 支架【柱】
met. 机座; 承重; 维持; 证实; 保证; 证明
proj.manag. 后援; 帮助
rugb. 护垫
securit. 支撑位
shoot. 依托物
skydive. 保障
space 支架[柱]; 配套
sport, bask. 篮架
stat. 支集;
tab.tenn. 球台腿; 球网柱; 网柱
tech. 支持物; 支持 (器); 赞助; 光学座; 托臂; 扶助;
wood. 板根
support [sə'pɔ:t] v
gen. ; 支撑〔承〕; 承重〔载,受, 托〕; 支〔托,吊〕住; 支,托,二脚; 支,底,垫,机; 支柱〔杆,点〕; 支撑〔承,持〕物; 支持器; ; 固定件; 脚凳; 器材-物质-技术保证保障; 支援部队.后援; 维〔保〕持; 援〔帮,赞〕助; 拥护; 承载形; 承载子; 载体
bridge. 加叫
footb. 接应
hydroel.st. 支撑
skydive. 技术保证
sport. 支持
 English thesaurus
support [sə'pɔ:t] abbr.
abbr., auto. SUPT /supt
mil., abbr. spt; sup; supp
mil., logist. The action of a force, or portion there of, which aids, protects, complements, or sustains any other force. (UKR/NATO); To help another unit, spontaneously or upon order, by movement or by fire. 2. Action of a battle group or a detachment which helps, covers, widens or supports the maneuver of another element, generally by providing fire. (FRA)
USA The action of a force that aids, protects, complements, or sustains another force in accordance with a directive requiring such action. see also close support, direct support, general support, inter-Service support, mutual support; A unit that helps another unit in battle. see also close support, direct support, general support, inter-Service support, mutual support; An element of a command that assists, protects, or supplies other forces in combat (JP 1) see also close support, direct support, general support, inter-Service support, mutual support
Support [sə'pɔ:t] abbr.
abbr., scottish Sp
mil., abbr. S
Support Original
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects