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Std abbr.
desert. 标准
 English thesaurus
Std abbr.
abbr. steady
abbr., oil Saint David's
med.appl. standard deviation of the signal in ROI (Sagoto)
polym. Standard (группа этилцеллюлозных субстанций с этоксильным числом (содержанием этоксильных групп) от 48,0 до 49,5%. Цифровое обозначение, следующее за буквенным "Std." соответствует вязкости 5%-ого раствора продукта, измеренной при 25 град. Цельсия, в единицах мПа*с (миллипаскаль*сек), что эквивалентно сП (сантипуаз). Пример: Std. 10; Std. 45; Std. 100 и т.д. http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/en/pdf/192-00818.pdf Min$draV)
STD abbr.
abbr. Started Trial Dog; Saves The Day; Short Term Disability; Stop The Disease; equiv. DDD in USA; Sam The Devil; Scriptures Temple Dating; Secondary Telecom District; Secondary Transmitted Data; SeT Direction (flag, Assembler); Sexual Tension Disorder; sexually transmitted diseases; Sexy Train Driver; short term debt (Ася Кудрявцева); SIGINT Technical Data; Simon Tissot Dupont; Skeletal Transcript Database; Small Testicle Disorder; Snails Taste Delicious; Some Thing Duh; Someone Truly Divine; Standard Transmission Difficulties; Standard Trunk Dial; Standing Tremor Disorder; Sterilized Testing Developer; subscriber trunk dialing; Suspend To Disk (BIOS, ACPI); System Task Directory (Vosoni); Sea Transport Department; State Transition Diagram
abbr., auto. standard type
abbr., avia. Santo Domingo, Venezuela; Scheduled Time of Departure (syllvia); supplementary takeoff distance; system technical description; safety topic discussion; science, technology and development organization; software test document; standard altimeter setting; standard data sheet; standard tooling part; supplement take off distance; supplier data transmittal; system time delay; system test description
abbr., bank. short term deposit (inn)
abbr., BrE Services Telephone Directory
abbr., busin. stand
abbr., clin.trial. single dose tray (ННатальЯ)
abbr., commun. subscriber's trunk dialling
abbr., crim. Stabbed To Death (Ilshatey)
abbr., earth.sc. salinity/temperature/density; salinity-temperature-depth; seismotectonic deformations; standard deviation
abbr., el. semiconductor-thermoplastic-dielectric (bonding); segment table designation; semiconductor thermoplastic dielectric; servo tape display; shallow thermal donor; side-wall transistor with double doped drain; silicon triple diffused; slave transmit data; storage time dependence; stripline tunnel diode; supervisory and test desk; synchronous time division; system target decoder; Internet standards
abbr., file.ext. State Transition Diagram graphics file
abbr., fin. Sao Tome Dobra; Banco Santander
abbr., genet. sexually-transmitted disease
abbr., insur. short-term disability insurance
abbr., IT LocoScript Standard; Set Direction Flag; Subscriber Trunk Dialing; Subscriber Trunk Dialling; standards; superconductive tunneling device; state transition diagram; selective transmission diversity
abbr., law Shoot The Dummy
abbr., med. Selective T-cell Defect; Sexually Transmitted Disease; Skin Test Dose; Skin-to-tumor Distance; sexually transmitted disease; S.T.D. (MichaelBurov); skin test dose (MichaelBurov); standard density reference
abbr., media. Selling The Drama
abbr., mil. Software Test Description; Standard; Synthetic Training Devices; Systems Technology Demonstration
abbr., mil., avia. shuttle test director
abbr., nautic., scient. Salinity, Temperature, and Depth
abbr., O&G, sakh. standard strength; standard wall thickness
abbr., oil WT standard weight; salinity, temperature and depth (recorder); shot time day; standard depth; system of top drive (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., physiol. Short-Term Depression
abbr., progr. software test documentation (ssn); state transition diagram (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Simple To Design
abbr., qual.cont. standart
abbr., radiogr. Standard thoracic dose (iwona)
abbr., scient. Sacrae Theologiae Doctor
abbr., sec.sys., IT Security Tools Distribution
abbr., space standing tactical order; system technology demonstration
abbr., st.exch. Banco Santander Cent Hispano
abbr., telecom. Synchronous Time Division multiplexing
abbr., toxicol. severely toxic dose (Игорь_2006)
abbr., transp. Severe Tire Damage
chem. steam tube drier
ecol. salinity, temperature, depth
energ.ind. standard fuel assembly; system test department
mil. science and technology division; sea transport division; standard test dose
nucl.phys. solid track detector
tech. salinity, temperature, density recorder; semiconductor on thermoplastic on dielectric bonding; space target designation; spectral theory of diffraction; standing; state-transition diagram; system test division
std abbr.
abbr., mil. standard STD
abbr., oil stands; standards
polym. saturated
std. abbr.
abbr., dril. stand
abbr., earth.sc. standard
StD abbr.
abbr. Stage Director
: 11 phrases in 6 subjects
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