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gen. 异常; 临时; 尤其; 专门; 特意; 专门地
| prepared
sport. 准备好的; 特制的
| and
| equipped
tech. 装备的
| sites
comp., MS 地點
| from
gen. 来自
| which
econ. …的那个
| a
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| staff exercises
 staff exercise
gymn. 体操棍练习
| command and control
plann. 指挥和控制
| of
| its
gen. 它们的
| forces
| or
gen. 或是
| carries out
 carry out
gen. 开展
| combat
gen. 战斗
| alert
comp., MS 通知
| tasks
hydroel.st. 工作
| For
| command and control
plann. 指挥和控制
| purposes
gen. 目的
| a network of
 a network of
gen. M 一套M
| command posts
 command post
space 指挥站
| is
hydroel.st. 印度标准
| established
gen. 建立的
| one of
 one of
gen. 之一
| which
econ. …的那个
| serves as
 serve as
gen. M 充当 M
| the
main command post | The
main command post | comprises
gen. 包含
| the following
 the following
tech. 以下等等
| elements
libr. 元数据项
| a
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| forward
archit. 促进
| command post
 command post
space 指挥站
| an
archit. 标准大气压
| airborne command post
 airborne command post
space 机载指挥所
| and
| a
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| railway
tech. 铁路
| command post
 command post
space 指挥站
If a main command post | ceases
| to
| function
hydroel.st. 作用
| or
gen. 或是
| is
hydroel.st. 印度标准
| unable to
 unable to
gen. 没有能力
| exercise
sport. 锻炼
| command and control
plann. 指挥和控制
| alternate
corp.gov. 候补
main command posts | are
met. 公亩
| established
gen. 建立的
| in
| major
gen. 专业
| and
| tactical
sport. 战术的
| formations
sport. 形成
| and
| on
| warships
avia. 军舰
| in the case of
 in the case of...
met. 在…情况下
| the
| Navy
gen. 海军
| Command and control
plann. 指挥和控制
| of
| logistics
manag. 后勤
| subunits
labor.org. 亚单元
| units
tech. 元件
| and
| organizations
environ. 组织
| is
hydroel.st. 印度标准
| exercised
sport. 练习
| from
gen. 来自
| the
rear area | command post
 command post
space 指挥站
| An
archit. 标准大气压
| auxiliary command post
 auxiliary command post
space 辅助指挥所
| is
hydroel.st. 印度标准
| established
gen. 建立的
| for
| the
| command and control
plann. 指挥和控制
of a force grouping | operating
wind. 运行
| along
gen. 靠着…边
| a
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| separate
mining. 分离 的
| axis
agric. 轴线
| Tactical
sport. 战术的
| formations
sport. 形成
| may
gen. 也许
| also
| establish
gen. 创办
| a
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| forward
archit. 促进
main command post | when
gen. 一…就
| carrying out
 carry out
gen. 开展
| an
archit. 标准大气压
| offensive
sport. 进攻
| Command posts
 command post
space 指挥站
| are
met. 公亩
| either
gen. 不是…就是
| fixed
gen. 固定
| or
gen. 或是
| mobile
el.mach. 移动的
| Also
| called
textile 称为
| headquarters
gen. 总部
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
specially ['speʃ(ə)lɪ] adv.
gen. 异常; 临时; 尤其; 专门; 特意; 专门地; 特地; 特别
econ. 特别地
Specially prepared and equipped sites from which a staff exercises command and control of its forces or carries out combat alert tasks. For command and control purposes a network of command posts is established, one of which serves as the main command post. . The main command post comprises the following elements: a forward command post, an airborne command post and a railway command post. If a main command post ceases to function or is unable to exercise command and control, alternate main command posts are established in major and tactical formations and on warships in the case of the Navy. Command and control of logistics subunits, units and organizations is exercised from the rear area command post. An auxiliary command post is established for the command and control of a force grouping operating along a separate axis. Tactical formations may also establish a forward main command post when carrying out an offensive. Command posts are either fixed or mobile. Also called headquarters
: 1 phrase in 1 subject