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Special operations
 special operation
busin. 专业经营
compr. 特殊工况
manag. 特别经营
sec.sys. 特别行动
| are
gen. 公亩
archit. 公亩
eng.geol. 公亩
hydroel.st. 公亩
met. 公亩
| military operations
 military operations
gen. 军事行动
| conducted
gen. 引导
| by
| the
| special operation command
 Special Operations Command
USA space 特种作战司令部
| or
gen. 或是
| that
| of the
 of the
gen. 大城市的流浪儿
| armed forces
 armed forces
gen. 武装部队
| units
tech. 元件
| specially
gen. 异常
| designated
tech. 一定的
| organized
sport. 有组织的
| trained
sport. 经过训练的
| and
| equipped
tech. 装备的
| called
textile 称为
| special forces
 special forces
space 特种部队
| to
| reach
| military
sport. 军事的
| objectives
shoot. 物镜
| or
gen. 或是
| objectives
shoot. 物镜
| of
| military
sport. 军事的
| significance
gen. 重要性
| with
| a
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| strategic
gen. 战略上的
| value
metrol. 量值
| and
| imposing
gen. 给人深刻印象的
| a
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| strict
gen. 严格
| permanent control
 permanent control
desert. 永久性控制
| These
gen. 这些
| actions
comp., MS 執行
| that
| implement
gen. 履行
| operational techniques
 operational technique
tech. 操作技术
| and
| courses of action
 course of action
manag. 行动过程
| unusual
gen. 异常
| with
| conventional forces
 conventional forces
space 常规部队
| but
| do not
 do not
| exclude
agric. 排除
| the
| support
math. 支集,支柱,台
| of
| conventional forces
 conventional forces
space 常规部队
| are
met. 公亩
| conducted in
 conduct in
gen. 领着M进去
| peacetime
avia. 和平时期
| times of crisis
 times of crisis
fin. 危机时期
| or
gen. 或是
| wartime
gen. 战 时
| apart from
 apart from
gen. 除了… 外
| conventional operations
 conventional operation
met. 普通操作法
| or
gen. 或是
| in cooperation with
 in cooperation with...
gen. 和…合作
| the latter
 the latter
gen. 后者
| These
gen. 这些
| are
met. 公亩
| military operations
 military operations
gen. 军事行动
| overt
interntl.trade. 公开的
| or
gen. 或是
| covert
UN gen. 秘密
| but
| not
gen. 不是
| clandestine
| commanded
sport. 命令
| by
| the chairman
 the chairman
China polit. 委员长
| of the
 of the
gen. 大城市的流浪儿
| joint chiefs of staff
 joint chiefs of staff
avia. 参谋长联合会议
| Military activities
 military activities
environ. 军事活动
| conducted
gen. 引导
| by
| specially
gen. 异常
| designated
tech. 一定的
| organized
sport. 有组织的
| trained
sport. 经过训练的
| and
| equipped
tech. 装备的
| forces
| using
expl. 使用
| operational techniques
 operational technique
tech. 操作技术
| and
| modes
sport. med. 模式
| of
| employment
environ. 职业
not standard | to
| conventional forces
 conventional forces
space 常规部队
| These
gen. 这些
| activities
comp., MS 活動
| are
met. 公亩
| conducted
gen. 引导
| across
gen. 横过
| the
| full range
 full range
space 满量程
| of
| military operations
 military operations
gen. 军事行动
| independently
sport. 独立地
| or
gen. 或是
in coordination with | operations
interntl.trade. 经营
| of
| conventional forces
 conventional forces
space 常规部队
| to
| achieve
avia. 实现
| political, military
space 政治-军事的
| psychological
gen. 精神的
| and
| economic objectives
 economic objective
ecol. 经济目标
Politicomilitary | considerations
textile 轻撑裙
| may
gen. 也许
| require
gen. 要求
| clandestine
| covert
UN gen. 秘密
| or
gen. 或是
| discreet
gen. 考虑周到的
| techniques
textile 工艺
| and
| the
| acceptance
gen. 接受性
of a | degree of
 degree of
hydrol. 掺气度
| physical
sport. 物质的
| and
| political risk
 political risk
IMF. 主权风险
| not
gen. 不是
| associated with
 associated with••-与.....
dril. 相关
| conventional operations
 conventional operation
met. 普通操作法
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
special operation
busin. 专业经营
compr. 特殊工况
manag. 特别经营
sec.sys. 特别行动
special operations
space 特种作战
 English thesaurus
special operations
mil., logist. Special operations are military operations conducted by the special operation command or that of the armed forces units specially designated, organized, trained and equipped, called special forces, to reach military objectives or objectives of military significance with a strategic value and imposing a strict permanent control. These actions that implement operational techniques and courses of action unusual with conventional forces but do not exclude the support of conventional forces, are conducted in peacetime, times of crisis or wartime, apart from conventional operations special independent operations or in cooperation with the latter adapted special operations. These are military operations, overt or covert, but not clandestine, commanded by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. FRA Military activities conducted by specially designated, organized, trained and equipped forces using operational techniques and modes of employment not standard to conventional forces. These activities are conducted across the full range of military operations independently or in coordination with operations of conventional forces to achieve political, military, psychological and economic objectives. Politicomilitary considerations may require clandestine, covert or discreet techniques and the acceptance of a degree of physical and political risk not associated with conventional operations. (UKR/NATO)
USA Operations requiring unique modes of employment, tactical techniques, equipment and training often conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and characterized by one or more of the following: time sensitive, clandestine, low visibility, conducted with and/or through indigenous forces, requiring regional expertise, and/or a high degree of risk. (JP 3-05)
Special operations are military operations conducted by the special operation command or that of the armed forces units specially designated, organized, trained and equipped, called special forces, to reach military objectives or objectives of military significance with a strategic value and imposing a strict permanent control. These actions that implement operational techniques and courses of action unusual with conventional forces but do not exclude the support of conventional forces, are conducted in peacetime, times of crisis or wartime, apart from conventional operations or in cooperation with the latter . These are military operations, overt or covert, but not clandestine, commanded by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Military activities conducted by specially designated, organized, trained and equipped forces using operational techniques and modes of employment not standard to conventional forces. These activities are conducted across the full range of military operations independently or in coordination with operations of conventional forces to achieve political, military, psychological and economic objectives. Politicomilitary considerations may require clandestine, covert or discreet techniques and the acceptance of a degree of physical and political risk not associated with conventional operations
: 76 phrases in 17 subjects
Air defense5
Corporate governance2
Desert science1
Hydroelectric power stations2
International Monetary Fund4
Name of organization3
Oil and gas technology1
Rail transport1
United Nations2
United States6