
   English Chinese
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gen. 太空; 场所
econ. 空地
hydroel.st. 空间; 区间; 距离
interntl.trade. 船位; 舱位
met. 间隙; 宇宙空间
| Provision
IMF. 准备金
| Artistic
sport. 艺术的
| Cultural
sport. 文化的
| And
| Educational
sport. 教育的
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
space [speɪs] n
gen. 太空; 场所; 航天,宇宙空间; 间隔 (隙); 缝隙; 狭缝; 空,刻度; 开键; 余地; ; ; ; ; 地点〔方,位〕; 位置; 篇幅; 座位; 一段时间;
adv. 广告版面; 广告页面; 排版间距
agric. 仓位; 体积; 空位; 时期; 期间; 航天; 宇宙 (spatium)
archit. 时段; 分隔
auto. 场地; 间距; 空隙; 容,面; 燃烧室; 停车区
dermat. 空隙; 分隔开; 间隔开
econ. 空地; 空白; 一段时间
eng.geol. 地方; 地位
hydroel.st. 空间; 区间; 距离; 间隔; 地区; 地点; 面积
interntl.trade. 船位; 舱位
met. 间隙; 宇宙空间
metrol. 面 〔体,容〕积
multimed. 空格字符
nautic., tech. 处所舱室
oil 齿槽
polygr. 字间
row. 每次划桨后滑行远且稳的掌握间隔
space 航天 (航天作为修饰词用时,可等同于 space flight); 外层空间 (地球大气层以外的宇宙空间); 宇宙; 间距; 航天技术; 空间电视; 空间遥测
sport, bask. 罚球区的位置区
sport. 场地
tech. 过行; 留空格; 空行; 空号 (通信); 空白 (区); 使隔开
telecom. 空格; 空号; 留空白
textile 容积; ; 宇宙型款式; 宇航风貌; 太空装
μ-space n
chem. 空间
spaces n
nautic., tech. 处所
Г-space n
chem. 空间
space [speɪs] v
gen. 留间隙; 留出空间; 距离变动; 每隔一定间距进行
econ. 把…隔开
row. 掌握间隔
sport. 留间隔; 隔开
space Space extending between the sun and the planets of the solar system. Interplanetary space is not empty, but contains dust, particles with an electric charge, and the magnetic field of the sun (also called the IMF, or Interplanetary Magnetic Field); interplanetary [speɪs] adj.
environ. 空间星际, 在太阳和太阳系的行星之间延伸的空间。行星际空间不是空的,但包含灰尘,带电荷的粒子,和太阳磁场(也称为国际货币基金,或行星际磁场)。
 English thesaurus
space [speɪs] n
comp., MS Space (A personal web presence provided by the Windows Live Spaces service)
mil., abbr. sp
SPACE [speɪs] abbr.
abbr. Safety Planning Awareness Choice And Empowerment; Search Project For Aspects Of Close Encounters; Self Power Assertiveness Courage Esteem; Sisters Playful Anarchy Causes Emergency; Space Provision Artistic Cultural And Educational; Spontaneous Positive Action Creates Energy; Suffolk Partnership Achieving Choice And Experience; Society for Private and Commercial Earth Stations
abbr., comp. self-programming automatic circuit evaluator
abbr., earth.sc. sample placement and confidence estimation
abbr., ed. Strategic Parent And Child Encounters
abbr., ed., scient. Science Processes and Concepts Explanation; Special Programs For Academic And Creative Excellence; Student Programming And Activities For Campus Entertainment; Students Planning And Conducting Engineering; Studying Power And Conserving Energy
abbr., el. software package for communication engineering; surface photoabsorption for contrast enhancement process
abbr., file.ext. Symbolic Programming Anyone Can Enjoy
abbr., IT Strategic Position and Action Evaluation
abbr., mil., avia. self-programming automatic checkout equipment
abbr., oil satellite precipitation and cloud experiment
abbr., space small payload access to space experiment
abbr., tradem. Speakers For Public Appearances And Cooperative Enterprises
tech. Shuttle payload contamination evaluation; spacecraft prelaunch automatic checkout equipment; speech processing and control equipment
Spaces n
comp., MS Space (The link to the user's personal online space, with blog functionality, photo albums, and lists, on Windows Live Spaces)
Space Provision
: 1 phrase in 1 subject