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noun | verb | interjection | to phrases
shit [ʃɪt] n
gen. 一钱不值的东西; 蹩脚货; 大〔粪〕 便; 粪土; 垃圾; 废物; 胡说; 废话; 大话; 谎言; 卑鄙小人; 低劣的演出; 命运; 运气; 腹泻; 大麻; 麻醉品; 不幸; 坏消息
shit [ʃɪt] v
gen. 拉屎; 解大便
interntl.trade. 质量低劣的商店
shit [ʃɪt] int.
gen. 呸!; 放屁!
 English thesaurus
SHIT [ʃɪt] abbr.
abbr. Scooters Hide In Terror; Severly High Intestinal Tumors; Skanky Hoes In Tights; So Happy Its Thursday; Society to Highlight Ingrate Terms; Sorry Honey, It's Thursday; Stupid Haole, It's Thursday!; Sugar Honey Iced Tea; Super Hero In Training; So Horny It's Torture; Sorry Honey Its Thursday; Stored High In Transit; Strange Hair In Toilet; The Society For Hacking Idiot Televangelists
abbr., ed., scient. Sam Houston Institute of Technology
abbr., inet. Slang Hated In The most formal places; Superb Hacking Intelligence Team
abbr., IT Safe Haven for Information Technology
abbr., mil. Software, Hardware, Information Technology; Special High- Intensity Training; Strength, Honor, Integrity, and Training
abbr., progr., IT Special High Intensity Testing
abbr., sport. Super High Intensity Tournaments
abbr., transp. Ship High In Transit; Ship High In Transport; Special Handling In Transit
Shit: 20 phrases in 5 subjects
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