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abbreviation | noun | to phrases
SMES abbr.
el.mach. 超导磁能储存装置
SMEs abbr.
IMF. 中小型企业
 English thesaurus
SME abbr.
abbr., avia. subject matter expert
abbr., econ. small and medium enterprises
abbr., food.ind. specific mechanical energy
SMES abbr.
abbr., el. superconductive magnetic energy storage (system)
abbr., mil. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
abbr., scottish Strategic Missile Evaluation Squadron
abbr., supercond. superconducting magnetic energy storage
tech. shuttle mission engineering simulator; Shuttle mission evaluation simulation; superconductivity magnetic energy storage
SMEs abbr.
abbr. small and medium entrepreneurship (MichaelBurov); small and medium enterprises (ssn)
abbr., HR subject matter experts (igisheva)
abbr., logist. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
SMES: 2 phrases in 1 subject