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SLR [,esel'a:] adj.
gen. 单反相机
 English thesaurus
SLR [,esel'a:] abbr.
abbr. Silly Little Ranger; Scalable Linear Recording (Streamer, Tandberg); System Length Register (Vosoni); solar; storage limit register
abbr., acoust. surface-limited ray
abbr., astronaut. Satellite Laser Ranging System
abbr., auto. static loaded radius
abbr., avia. service level requirement; shop labor register; slush on runway
abbr., BrE South Lancashire Regiment
abbr., busin. seller
abbr., commun. Sending Loudness Rating
abbr., comp. sunlight readable (tannin)
abbr., corp.gov. service level report
abbr., earth.sc. side looking radar; single linear reservoir model; sludge loading ratio; soil loss ratio; surface loading ratio
abbr., el. single lens reflex (camera); select register; send loudness rating; signal-to-listener echo ratio; single layer resist; slow running; sound level recorder; stripe lattice resonance; strip laser resonator
abbr., el., scient. Small Lattice Relaxation
abbr., IT Service Level Reporter
abbr., meteorol. straight leg raising test (iwona)
abbr., mil. Self Limiting Ration; Special Limited Reserve
abbr., mil., air.def. side looking airborne radar
abbr., nano spin-lattice relaxation
abbr., nautic., scient. Satellite Laser Ranging
abbr., O&G, sakh. Schlumberger Russia
abbr., oil sea level rise; short-life reserves; sonic logging receiver
abbr., opt. single-lens reflex
abbr., physiol. Straight Leg Raising
abbr., physiol., med. Straight leg raising
abbr., product. scrap, loss, rework (производственный показатель; брак, потери, переработка browser)
abbr., radio side-looking radar
abbr., railw. St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad
abbr., scottish Side-Looking Radar
abbr., sec.sys., IT Steam Lock Release
abbr., sport. Saturday Long Run; Sport Light Racing
abbr., st.exch. Solectron Corporation
abbr., tradem. Sound Lab Records
abbr., transp. Sporty, Light, And Racing
abbr., UN, cartogr. satellite laser ranging
mil. self-loading rifle
mil., abbr. scanning laser radar; special light rifle; super long range; super low recoil
ocean., abbr. Sea-level Rise
tech. spacecraft laser radar
tech., abbr. side lobe ratio; single-lens reflex camera; storage limits register
SLR [,esel'a:] abbr.
abbr., law Seychelles Law Reports (NadVic)
abbr., med.appl. Spore-log-reduction (Natalya Rovina)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects