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SLP A set of language resources that supports the deployment of a software program in a particular language abbr.
comp., MS 單一語言套件 (SLP)
 English thesaurus
SLP abbr.
abbr. Several Large Pipes; Simulated Livermore Phantom; Solar Lunar Planetary; Speech Language Pathologist; Speech/ Language Pathologist; Strategic Leadership Program; Strongest Liberal Postcondition; Secretary for Logistics Planning; Service Life Policy (korsall); Shitty Legal Products; Single-Link Procedures (X.25); slope; Source Language Program (Vosoni); Super Long Play (VHS VCR); Symposium on Logic Programming (Conference); San Luis Potosi
abbr., afr. Société Linguistique de Paris
abbr., auto. shift lever position
abbr., automat. systematic layout planning
abbr., avia. San Luis Potosi, Mexico; speed limiting point; service logic processing; single link procedure; speed limit point; stores logic panel
abbr., busin. Scottish Limited Partnership (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., commun. single link protocol
abbr., comp., net. service logic program
abbr., earth.sc. sequential linear programming; stochastic linear programming; standard liquid phases; successive linear programming; supervised line point
abbr., ed. School Lunch Program
abbr., el. single linear polarization (fiber); service logic program; self-loading program; short light pulse; silicon light pulser; single layer polysilicon; small line printer; soft lander probe; specific load package
abbr., immunol. sex-limited protein
abbr., IT Selection Library Processing; Service Location Protocol; Set Loop Point; service location protocol (Bricker)
abbr., law Sullen Little Punks; Supplementary Letters Patent
abbr., med. Left Sacroposterior (Lat.sacrolaeva Posterior; fetal Position); Sex-limited Protein; speech-language pathology; sleepiness scale; Speech Language Pathology; left sacroposterior, a presentation of the fetus; sex limited protein
abbr., meteorol. Secret Love Poem; Six Line Poem
abbr., mil., avia. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Logistics Planning, USAF
abbr., nautic., scient. Sea Level Pressure
abbr., nucl.phys. selected LAM present
abbr., oil seismic line program; solid lubricating plate; sonic limit porosity; sonic logging panel; standard liquid phase; store logic panel
abbr., ophtalm. scanning laser polarimetry
abbr., police Self-Loading Pistol
abbr., progr., IT Self Learning Program; Straight Line Program
abbr., scottish Survivor Locator Package (USAF)
abbr., transp. Street Legal Performance
ecol. sea level pressure
meteorol. sea-level pressure
mil. scouting landplane; simulated live play; standardized language profile; supplier loaned property; surface launch platform
tech. space limited payload
slp. abbr.
abbr. slip