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SFR abbr.
abbr. Samuel Fitzsimons Ravenel; San Francisco Region; Shadow Falcon Rangers; Single Family Room; Substitute For Return; Signal Frequency Receiver; Statement of Functional Requirement; Swiss Franc (Vosoni); submarine fleet reactor; safty range
abbr., astr., scient. Star Formation Rate
abbr., astrophys. rate of star formation (MichaelBurov); star formation rate (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. solenoid-front-RH
abbr., avia. system fault report
abbr., commer. System Functional Review
abbr., ed., scient. School of Forest Resources
abbr., el. same frequency repeater; scale factor register; selective file retrieval; self-filtering resonator; spatial frequency response
abbr., electr.eng. standstill frequency response
abbr., food.ind. San Francisco Rice
abbr., forestr. State Forest Register (MichaelBurov); short rotation forestry
abbr., IT Set Factory Reset
abbr., lab.eq. Small Fluidal Round
abbr., med. Société Française De Radiologie; Société Française De Rhumatologie; spotted fever rickettsiosis; screen filtration resistance
abbr., media. Sender Freies Berlin
abbr., nucl.pow. sodium fast reactor (MichaelBurov); sodium-cooled fast reactor (MichaelBurov); sodium reactor (MichaelBurov); Na fast reactor (MichaelBurov); Na-cooled fast reactor (MichaelBurov); Na reactor (MichaelBurov); sodium cooled fast reactor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Scope for Recovery; Scope for Recovery study (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil synchronous frame rate; synthetically focused resistivity
abbr., progr. special function register (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. system failure rate
abbr., railw. Southern Freight Logistics LLC - Southern Freight Railroad
abbr., Russia Social Fund of Russia (igisheva)
abbr., securit. self-financing-ratio
abbr., st.exch. Securities and Futures Regulations (Singapore aht)
abbr., tech. special flight rules
abbr., textile safety of freight requirement; sinking fund return
energ.ind. sodium-cooled fast reactor; steam-to-fuel ratio
mil. safety of flight requirements
tech. satellite frequency response; startup field report
sfR abbr.
abbr., hydroel.st. safe range