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SCC abbr.
abbr. Second Class Citizen; Self Compacting Concrete; Singapore Cosplay Club; Southern Comfort Conference; Standards Council of Canada; Steven Curtis Chapman; Street Car Chaos; Supply Chain Collaboration; Safety Certificate Contractor; Safety Certificate For Contractors; Safety Checklist Contractor; SAGE control center; Santos Cross Country; SCSI Controller Commands (SAM); Secret Codes Camp; Security Capital Corporation of Delaware; Security Coordination Committee; Selective Computer Services Company; supervisory control computer; single-cotton-covered (wire); Society of Cosmetic Chemistry; Standards Co-ordinating Committee; Stauffer Chemical Co.; Sun Chemical Corp.; Serial Controller-Chip (IC); Service Component Commander; Service Connection Charges; Set Cost Center; Signal Coupling Conductor; Simple Cycle Checking; single-conductor cable; Site Control Centre (SEIC ABelonogov); Skyline Career Challenge; Soft Computer Consultants, Inc.; Somatic Cell Concentration; South County Communicators Toastmasters; Space Communication Corporation; Special Coordination Committee; Specialized Common Carrier; Specialized Common Carriers; Sports Clubs Committee; Standardization and Coordination Committee; Standing Consultative Commission (SALT); Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (sccinstitute.com 'More); Storage Connecting Circuit; Strategic Communications Command; Strong Cosmic Censorship; Sudbury Canoe Club; Synchronized Command Control; System Configuration Card (Sun); The Small Computer Company; The Supreme Court Of Canada; special conditions of the contract (Vicomte)
abbr., adv. single column centimeter
abbr., anim.husb. somatic cell count (iwona)
abbr., auto. spark control computer (Chrysler); Saab Combustion Control; service center consultant; service check connector
abbr., automat. standardized control chart
abbr., avia. single conductor cable; Standing Consultative Commission; supplier collaboration center; Special Condition Code; satellite computation center; space computation center; standard computer corporation; storage circuit connecting; supply chain council; system configuration chart
abbr., BrE Scottish Command; Sea Cadet Corps
abbr., busin. single-cotton-covered
abbr., Canada Supreme Court of Canada
abbr., chem., scient. Stress Corrosion Cracking
abbr., commer. Standards Coordinating Committee
abbr., comp. single-chip cloud computer (Alex_Odeychuk); status change character; single-chip computer
abbr., comp., net. switching control center; system communication controller
abbr., comp., net., IT Serial Communication Controller
abbr., comp.name. Shell Chemical Co.
abbr., construct. Self-Compacting Concrete (ВВладимир); CRC (MichaelBurov); composite reinforced concrete (MichaelBurov); steel-concrete composite (MichaelBurov); SRC (MichaelBurov); steel-reinforced concrete (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. Satellite Calibration Centre; sludge characteristic curve; sludge conditioning controller; South China Continent; Spacecraft Control Centre; special correlation coefficients; specialized control computer; super cloud clusters; surface casing cementation
abbr., ecol. social cost of carbon (fluggegecheimen)
abbr., ed., scient. Solano Community College; Suffolk Community College
abbr., el. satellite circuit controller; satellite communications center; satellite communications concentrator; sector command center; selectively compensated collector; self-checking coding; self-compiling compiler; sequence control circuit; serially concatenated coding (system); set condition code; short circuit current; short coupled cavity; signal channel controller; signal conversion circuit; simple chip card; simplified computer code; simulation control computer; single channel controller; single chip computer; software change control; sound control computer; standard chip carrier; storage configuration control; Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.; surface contamination control; surrounding-high-capacitance cell; switch-controlled capacitor; systematic convolutional code; system communications controller
abbr., el., scient. Sound Custom Chip
abbr., electr.eng. single-cotton covered; subtransient short-circuit capability; switched capacitor converter (VeraV)
abbr., file.ext. MSX picture Bitmap graphics; Serial Communications Controllers; Serial Controller Chip; Synchronous Channel Check (IBM)
abbr., geogr. the South Coast of the Crimea (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Source Code Club; Switching Control Center; Supply Chain Controlling
abbr., level. Supply and Communications Computer (Метран)
abbr., math. strongly completely continuous
abbr., med. Services For Crippled Children; Sickle Cell Disease; Small Cleaved Cell; Small-cell Carcinoma; Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Supportive Care In Cancer (periodical); semicircular canals (jatros); squamous cell carciona; squamous cell carcinoma (плоскоклеточный рак bizlex); small-cell anaplastic carcinoma
abbr., media. Supreme Court Cases
abbr., met. sulfide stress corrosion cracking
abbr., mil. System Control Center; Space Control Center; SuperComputer Center; Sealift Coordination Centre; security classification code; service cryptologic Component; shipping coordination center
abbr., mil., WMD Secondary combustion chamber; Stearns-Catalytic Corporation
abbr., moto. swirl combustion chamber (aptr)
abbr., neuropsychol. subcallosal cortex (Millie)
abbr., nucl.phys. serial crate controller
abbr., nucl.pow. Structures, Systems and Components (Millie)
abbr., O&G stress corrosion cracking (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Safety case coordinator
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. secondary control center
abbr., O&G, sakh. Shell Chemical Company (in Houston)
abbr., O&G. tech. stress corrosion cracking (kotechek)
abbr., oil sulfide-corrosion cracking; scoop chisel compact; sequence control counter; shank-to-cone concentricity; single cotton-covered (wire); submersible compression chamber; supervisory computer control; supervisory console control
abbr., oncol. Strategic Cell Controller
abbr., oncol., med. Short Course Chemotherapy
abbr., opt. standard cubic centimeter
abbr., org.name. Statistics Coordination Committee
abbr., physiol., med. Somatic Cell Count
abbr., post Small Currency Changer; Sorter Control Computer (DBCS, BCS); System Control Console (RBCS)
abbr., progr., IT Source Code Control; Strongly Connected Component
abbr., rel., christ. Sisters of Christian Charity (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., scient. Society of Cosmetic Chemists (bigmaxus)
abbr., scottish Satellite Control Centre; Sector Command Centre; SHAPE Command Centre (NATO); Student Control Console; System Control Centre
abbr., space safety control center; satellite communication concentrator; Security Consultative Committee; simulation control center; solar compass chip; space communications corporation; standard cubic centimeters; synchronous communications controller
abbr., sport. Sport Command Centre
abbr., tax. security surcharge (авиа накладная Yuriy83); Service Connection Charge (Yuriy83); special cargo charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., transp. Safety Concept Car; Shipping Container Code; Sport Compact Council
el. Strategic cell controller
energ.ind. secondary coolant circuit; severe climatic conditions; standing consultive commission; submerged chain conveyor
Gruzovik, abbr., mil. space communications center
mater.sc. stress-corrosion cracking
mil. sector control center; squadron control center; standard commodity classification; stock control center; supervisor control console; supply control center; surveillance coordination center; system control center
pipes. sulphide corrosion cracking
sec.sys. Safety Checklist Contractors (This standard applies to the evaluation and certification of the safety management system used by contractors, based on the requirements of SCC. The standard was initially developed for the petrochemical industry together with DNV, but is now an accredited public standard used by many other industries. The (sub)contractors of principals in the chemical industry (ESSO, SHELL, DOW) will be obliged to obtain a SCC certificate, before they can perform activities on the premises of these companies. The SCC has been developed by principals and contractors in the petrochemical industry but it is however generally applicable to the certification of contractors in other kinds of industry R@NDOM)
tech. satellite communications controller; satellite control center; security control center; ship control center; ship control console; short-circuit current; shutdown cooling circulator; single-chip controller; space communications center; spacecraft control center; specification for contract change
scc abbr.
gen. standard cubic centimeter
abbr. specific clauses and conditions
SCCI abbr.
mil., abbr. Special Coordination Committee (Intelligence)
SCC: 1 phrase in 1 subject