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Regional Conference
 regional conference
exhib. 地区性会议
| at
gen. ; ;
busin. 单价; 以…价格
econ. 为 在……条件下
| Ministerial
econ. 部 的
| Level
gen. 程度
| on the
 on the
gen. 不经意地
| Follow -up
plast.surg. 追踪观察
| to
the Report | of the
 of the
gen. 大城市的流浪儿
| World
environ. 世界
| Commission
manag. 佣金
| on
- only individual words found

to phrases
regional conference
exhib. 地区性会议
Regional Conference at Ministerial Level on the Follow -up to the Report of the World Commission on: 2 phrases in 1 subject
United Nations2