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RQ abbr.
chem. 呼吸商
telecom. 请求; 请求的标识; 回询重发指令
 English thesaurus
RQ abbr.
abbr. Regulatory Quality; Relative Quantity; Reputation Quotient; Risk Quotient; recognised qualification (Anglophile); request; RuneQuest; request for quotation
abbr., auto. rear quarter (panel)
abbr., avia. recommended quantity; responsibility for quality
abbr., BrE regimental QM
abbr., busin. correction required; recorder quantity; regardless of quantity
abbr., comp. Rage quit (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., earth.sc. rain squall; ratio of nuclear quadrupole moments (excited to ground)
abbr., ed. Reading Quiz
abbr., ed., scient. Random Questions; Review Question; Review Questions
abbr., el. ready queue; repeat request
abbr., el., scient. Reportable Quantity
abbr., geol. reservoir quality (City Monk)
abbr., IT Rotate Quick; Rscs Query
abbr., law Rephrase Question
abbr., med. respiratory quotient; respiration quotient
abbr., media. Reference Quarterly
abbr., mil., avia. indication of a request
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. reportable quantity
abbr., oil recovery quotient; reserved quota
abbr., physiol., med. Respiratory Quotient
abbr., polit. Radical Queer; Puerto Rico
abbr., qual.cont. reorder quantity
abbr., relig. Repentance Quotient
abbr., securit. request for quotation/quote
Rq abbr.
abbr. distance range to target
rq abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. recrystallized quartz
Rq. abbr.
abbr., libr. request
: 15 phrases in 5 subjects
Computer networks2
Information technology1