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RBS abbr.
chem. 核糖体结合部位
expl. 炸药相对体积威力
 English thesaurus
RB abbr.
abbr. Red Book; Room And Board; Radiation Burn (Alex Lilo); Rat Bastard; Reactor Building (nuclear Alex Lilo); Rebreathing (Alex Lilo); reed beds (robino); Regelblutung (German Alex Lilo); Representative Body (UK Alex Lilo); read back; repeated back; rubber base; Rebound (Alex Lilo); Tumour suppressor gene (Alex Lilo); run back
abbr., auto. recirculating ball; roll bar
abbr., avia. rescue boat; right body; rivet bonding; rivet buster; router block; router board; rudder boost; runway bearing; Syrian Arab Airlines
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Backup
abbr., el. radio broadcasting (station); receive buffer; received bit; recovery block; reference burst; reflection boundary; reverse blocking; right bank; route bit; row buffer; rule block; runback
abbr., electr.eng. bias resistor (Artjaazz)
abbr., file.ext. Right Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)
abbr., food.ind. Roast Beef
abbr., inet. Really Big
abbr., IT Randomized Block; Registry Backup; read backward; read buffer; request block
abbr., law Rubber Bullet
abbr., mech.eng. roller hearing
abbr., med. Radiologia Brasileira (periodical); Rating Board; Right Breast; Rio Bravo; round bodies
abbr., met. resistance brazing
abbr., mil. Review Board; short-range coastal or river boat
abbr., mil., air.def. radar bombing; radio broadcasting station; receiver bandwidth
abbr., mil., avia. radar beacon
abbr., numism. Red-Brown
abbr., O&G reservoir barrel (MichaelBurov); rb (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. reservoir barrels (баррелей в пласте)
abbr., oil rotary bushing
abbr., pharma. Revision Bulletin (USP Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., phys., scient. Rigid Body
abbr., physiol., med. RetinoBlastoma
abbr., publ.law. Republic of Bashkortostan (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Rapid Bloom; Reconnaissance Bureau (Korea, North); Rotating Bolt; Rebated rim
abbr., sport. Record Book; Record Breaking
abbr., tech. reduced bore (Jespa)
abbr., textile regular bright
abbr., UN regular budget
energ.ind., abbr. regulatory body
invest., abbr. receipt book
mil. rifle bomber
mil., abbr. radar buster; radio bearing; rapid-bloom; rations book; reconnaissance bomber; recovery beacon; reentry body; research bulletin; restricted bulletin; rifle brigade; rigid boat; road block; rocket branch
tech., abbr. radiant boiler; reactor building; reduced blooming; relative bearing; remote batch; return-to-bias; roller bearing
Rb abbr.
abbr. Robot (Missile prefix (Sweden)); Rubidium
abbr., earth.sc. rockwell hardness B
abbr., genet. ribosome
abbr., mil., avia. Rockwell hardness, B
drug.name Rifabutin (Рифабутин https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рифабутин Min$draV)
genet. Robertsonian translocation (dimock); Robertsonian rearrangement (dimock)
polym. Rockwell hardness
post Minimum Bar Reflectance (on tray label barcodes)
rb abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. riebeckite; robinsonite
med. regular bevel (baloff)
rb. abbr.
abbr., libr. rouble
Rb. abbr.
abbr. ruble
RBS abbr.
abbr. Remote Buying System; Regional Broadcast System; Remote Base Server; Resource Based Scheduling (translator911); Royal Society of British Sculptors; Royal Botanic Society; ribosome binding sequence
abbr., AI. Reference Broadcast Synchronization
abbr., auto. regenerative braking system; recirculating ball type steering gear; rubber ball socket
abbr., avia. radar beacon system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., bank. remote banking service
abbr., biol. ribosome binding site; Royal Botanic Society (London)
abbr., comp., MS Remote BLOB Storage (uar)
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Backup Service
abbr., earth.sc. relative bed stability; rutherford back scattering
abbr., ed. Research for Better Schools
abbr., ed., scient. Rare Book School, University of Virginia; Reis Biological Station
abbr., el. Rectangular-bent SIL (Vosoni); Rutherford He+ backscattering; radar beacon station; radar bomb sight; radio beacon station; rated breaking strength; rebroadcast standby; receive buffer start address; register backup stack; remote batch system; rigid body shift; Rutherford backscattering; Rutherford backscattering spectroscope; Rutherford backscattering spectrum; Rutherford backscattering system
abbr., electr.eng. remote backup system
abbr., exhib. remote boot service
abbr., expl. relative bulk strength
abbr., fin. risk-based supervision
abbr., IT Really Bad Service; Robbed Bit Signaling
abbr., Makarov. Rutherford backscattering
abbr., med. Random Blood Sugar; Receptor Binding Site; Remote computer Backup Service; Roberts Syndrome; Rutherford Backscattering; Really Bad Shape; rectal bleeding score (WiseSnake)
abbr., media. Reader Behavior Score
abbr., mil., air.def. radar bombing scoring
abbr., missil. random barrage system
abbr., O&G refining baseline seismicity (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil raised back-up system; replaceable-blade stabilizer
abbr., opt. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry
abbr., phys., scient. Rutherford Back-Scattering
abbr., progr., IT Remote Backup Software
abbr., proj.manag. resource breakdown structure; risk breakdown structure
abbr., space radar bombing system; recoverable boost system; reusable booster system; recoverable booster system
abbr., telecom. radio base station (Charikova)
abbr., tradem. Royal Bank of Scotland; Rohrenwerke Bous/Saar GmbH (ФРГ)
abbr., transp. Real Bout Special; Recreational Boating Safety
energ.ind. regulatory body statute
Gruzovik, abbr., IT rollback segment
mil. radar beacon sequencer; radar beam sharpening; radar bomb scoring; radar bombardment system; radar bombsight; remote battle system
phys. rutherford backscattering spectroscopy
tech. radiation budget satellite; reactor building spray; return beam saticon
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects