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raid [reɪd] n
gen. 突然.袭击; 侵人; 搜査〔捕〕
econ. 非法盗用; 抢劫; 故意造成股票价格猛跌的行为; 突然袭击; 搜査; 搜捕; 对公款等的非法盗用; 侵入; 扰乱市场; 故意造成股票市价猛跌的行为
securit. 打压恶意促使股价下跌的操纵行为; 盗用公款
raid [reɪd] v
sport. 袭击
 English thesaurus
RAID [reɪd] abbr.
abbr. Race Against Impaired Driving; Redundant Array of Independent / Inexpensive Disks (HDD, RAID); Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks; Remove Alcohol Impaired Drivers; Report All Impaired Drivers; Restitution And Inmate Development; Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (masay)
abbr., avia. redundant array of independent disks; radar identification and direction system; ram air inlet duct
abbr., busin. risks, assumptions, issues, decisions (риски, допущения, проблемы, решения - управление рисками translator911)
abbr., comp. Redundant Array of Independent Disks
abbr., comp., net. redundant array of inexpensive disks
abbr., el. random access image device; random access independent disk; rapid assessment and initial, detection; recallable airborne infrared display; redundant arrays of inexpensive drivers; remote access interactive debugger
abbr., file.ext. Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks; Redundant Arrays of Independent Drives; Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
abbr., IT Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives (Disks); redundant array of inexpensive drives disks; Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks; Redundant Array of Independent Discs
abbr., mil., WMD redundant array inexpensive drive
abbr., org.name. Regional Association on Irrigation and Drainage
abbr., scottish Rapid Alerting & Identification Display; Rapid Assessment and Initial Detection teams (Chemical warfare. (USA))
archit. Registered Architect
mil. radar identification and direction; rapid acquisition and identification; rapid alerting identification display
tech. redundant array of inexpensive devices
raid [reɪd] n
mil., logist. Fast and deep penetration into the enemy's set-up in order to: 1. either seize a key area; 2. or destroy targets of high operational significance; 3. or carry out a specific action releasing of prisoners, NEO, arresting of specific individuals, etc.. (FRA)
USA An operation to temporarily seize an area in order to secure information, confuse an adversary, capture personnel or equipment, or to destroy a capability culminating with a planned withdrawal (JP 3-0)
RAIDS abbr.
abbr. Rapid Access Imagery Dissemination System
abbr., el. radioimmunoassay data system; rapid acquisition and identification system; rapid anti-ship integrated defense system
abbr., mil. Radar Airborne Intruder Detection System; Rapid Anti-ship missile Integrated Defense System; Rapid Antiship cruise missile IDentification System; Rapid Area Integrated Defense System; Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
abbr., scottish Radar Airborne Intrusion Detection System; Remote Atmosphere & Ionospheric Detection System (US Navy)
abbr., space rapid availability of information and data for safety; real-time AUTODIN interface and distribution system; remote atmospheric and ionospheric detection system
RAIDS: 82 phrases in 20 subjects
Air defense1
Engineering geology2
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1
International trade4
Project management2
Textile industry2