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gen. 职位; 邮寄 2 发布; 邮寄; 寄 ^b1; 发布 ^b2; 1 寄
comp., net. 发帖,动词
met. 位置
| Authorization
interntl.trade. 开业核准
| Safety
vet.med. 安全无害
| Surveillance
IMF. 监督
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adverb | abbreviation | to phrases
post [pəust] n
gen. 支,标,煤矿; ; ; 接线端子; 岗〔职,地〕位; 驻地; 邮政〔件,筒,箱,局〕; 邮车; 驿马
archit. ; 在后
econ. 邮递
proj.manag. 职位邮寄
sport. 立柱
post [pəust] v
gen. 职位; 邮寄 2 发布; 邮寄; 寄 ^b1; 发布 ^b2; 1 寄; 揭〔告〕示; 告知; 布哨; 指派; 邮〔投〕寄; 眷账; 到总
adv. 事后测定
anim.husb. 木柱
archer. 靶位; 起射位置
archit. 揭示; (布告等)
auto. 车身; 【副】在后; 在…后
avia. 主垂直构件; 主起落架支柱; 哨所; 营区
badm. 网柱; 球柱
bridg.constr. 立柱支撑; 支撑
busin. ; ; 张贴公告,广告
China, law 分配职工上岗
commer. 布置岗位; 贴出通告
comp. 记入
comp., net. 发帖,动词; 贴子
construct. 〔支〕柱; 【军】哨所
dril. 细粒砂岩; 厚层砂岩
econ. 贴出 (布告、通知等); 公告; 登入 (总账)
el. 后置的; 柱[:杆]; 站[所]
equest.sp. 起点柱
expl. 赶紧地
fin. 过帐
handb. 门柱
hydroel.st. ; 标桩; 柱石
interntl.trade. 交易所交易台; 会计过账; 交易台; 商埠
manag. 邮件; 邮政
met. 位置; ; ; 公布; 后面的; 二次的
multimed. 文章; 张贴
oil 职务
plast. 〈词头〉后;
polygr. 纸张尺寸15英寸 × 19英寸
proj.manag. 投递; 会计前缀
securit. 席位; 交易区交易大厅内进行专业证券交易并接收报价和提供价格的一个特定区域; 转账; 粘贴
shoot. 射击位置
space 岗位; 登记; 发送 (电子邮件); 接线柱
sport, bask. 策应; 起点终点; 骑手在轻快步中随马起伏
sport. 球门柱; 快速行进; 在…之后
survey. 标柱; 畜栏柱
swim. 终点标志; 终点线
tab.tenn. 支柱
tech. ; 桩材; ; 支台; 矿柱; 木支柱; ; 端子; 登记 (柱); 采矿机械撑柱; 标杆; 登录; 传递; 粘〔张,招〕 贴; 支杆; 压杆; 系杆; 桁架中的受压竖杆; 支撑坑木; 短柱; 起重桅
telecom. 发送电子邮件; 出布告; 记人; ; 事后
tenn. 发球得分
textile ; 过账; 贸易站; 邮局; 四合扣纽桩
voll. 网柱
wood. 杆材
post- v
gen. 词头; ;
anim.husb. 构词成分;
econ. 表示"后"
pref. 在后
posts v
textile 杯型乳饰; 胸罩杯
terminal post [pəust] v
el.mach. 接线柱
post [pəust] adv.
gen. 〔拉丁语〕 在后
 English thesaurus
post [pəust] abbr.
abbr. postage; postal; posterior
abbr., adv. post-test
abbr., med. posterior; postmortem
automat. postprocessor
mil., abbr. pt
POST [pəust] abbr.
abbr. Cypost Corporation; Point Of Sale Terminal; Pictures Of Stupid Things; Power-On Self Test
abbr., avia. payload operations support team; portable optical sensor tester; power on selftest
abbr., comp., MS power-on self test (A set of routines stored in read-only memory (ROM) that tests various system components such as RAM, the disk drives, and the keyboard, to see if they are properly connected and operating. If problems are found, these routines alert the user with a series of beeps or a message, often accompanied by a diagnostic numeric value. If the POST is successful, it passes control to the bootstrap loader)
abbr., comp., net. power-on self-test; procedure of self-testing
abbr., comp., net., IT Printer Online Standard Test
abbr., el. phase shifting on the substrate; piezoelectric oscillator self-tuned; power-on system test
abbr., el., scient. Power On System Test
abbr., IT Power - On Self Test
abbr., law Peace Officers Standards And Training
abbr., med. peritoneal ovocyte and sperm transfer (Chita)
abbr., media. The Washington Post
abbr., mil. Passive Optical Seeker Technique; Portable Optical Sensor Tester; Post Officer Security Training; Power On Self Test; Programmable Optical Sensor Tracter; Prototype Ocean Surveillance Terminal; Prototype Ocean Surveillance Tracker
abbr., mil., avia. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
abbr., physiol., med. Physician Orders For Scope Of Treatment
abbr., scottish Passive Optical Seeker Technology; Portable Optical Sensor Test-bed; Production-Oriented Scheduling Technique
comp. power-on-selftest
mil. passive optical scan tracker; passive optical seeker technique; portable optical sensor tester
tech. program to optimize simulated trajectory
post. abbr.
abbr., commer. postal
POSTS abbr.
abbr., med. positive occipital sharp transient of sleep
post. abbr.
abbr., med. posterior
POSTS abbr.
abbr., med. positive occipital sharp transients of sleep (la_tramontana)
Post [pəust] v
physiol., abbr. P
PoST [pəust] abbr.
abbr. Portable Satellite Terminal
POST [pəust] abbr.
abbr. point-of-sale terminal
abbr., avia. passive optical seeker technique (technology); power on self test
abbr., dril. power-on-self-test
abbr., econ. point of sale terminal
abbr., IT power-on self test
abbr., oil pack off stage tool
abbr., space production-oriented scheduling technique
abbr., telecom. Power-On Self-Test
abbr., textile Polymer Science and Technology
: 2 phrases in 1 subject